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Long-term retention of lacosamide in a large cohort of people with medically refractory epilepsy: A single centre evaluation


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Lacosamide (LCM) is a recently licensed antiepileptic drug available in the UK since 2008. It is thought to act through modulation of sodium channel slow inactivation. Its efficacy and tolerability have been shown in several regulatory randomised controlled trials, but assessments of its performance in large naturalistic settings are rare. We assessed a large cohort of consecutive people who started LCM at a single tertiary epilepsy centre, from June 2008 to June 2011. Forty-five percent of the 376 people included were still taking LCM at last follow-up, with estimated retention was 62% at one year, 45% at two years and 35% at three years. Eighteen percent reported a period of improvement in terms of significant seizure reduction or seizure freedom of at least six months duration whilst on LCM, of whom four people were seizure free for at least one year. Long-term efficacy in our centre appears similar to zonisamide and pregabalin when compared to historical controls. Adverse events were reported by 61%, CNS-related in the vast majority. Most clinical factors did not affect retention; withdrawal occurred more often because of inefficacy than because of adverse events. Retention rates for LCM, when compared to historical controls appear similar to lamotrigine, topiramate, pregabalin, zonisamide, higher than gabapentin, and lower than levetiracetam.
机译:Lacosamide(LCM)是一种自2008年以来在英国最近获得许可的抗癫痫药。人们认为Lacosamide通过调节钠通道缓慢失活来发挥作用。它的功效和耐受性已在几项监管性随机对照试验中显示,但对其在大型自然环境中的性能进行评估的情况很少。我们评估了从2008年6月至2011年6月在一个单一的第三级癫痫中心开始LCM的大量连续人群。在接受随访的376位患者中,有45%仍在最后一次随访中接受LCM,估计保留率为62%一年,两年为45%,三年为35%。 18%的人报告说癫痫发作的减少或癫痫发作的自由度至少持续了六个月,而LCM则有一段改善期,其中四人至少一年没有发作。与历史对照相比,我们中心的长期疗效与唑尼沙胺和普瑞巴林相似。不良事件报告率为61%,绝大多数与中枢神经系统有关。大多数临床因素均未影响保留率。戒断的发生更多是由于无效,而不是由于不良事件。与历史对照相比,LCM的保留率与拉莫三嗪,托吡酯,普瑞巴林,唑尼沙胺相似,高于加巴喷丁,低于左乙拉西坦。



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