首页> 外文期刊>Ethology >Fluctuating Asymmetry of Responders Affects Offers in the Ultimatum Game Oppositely According to Attractiveness or Need as Perceived by Proposers

Fluctuating Asymmetry of Responders Affects Offers in the Ultimatum Game Oppositely According to Attractiveness or Need as Perceived by Proposers


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The Ultimatum Game (UG) measures cooperative tendencies in humans. A proposer offers to split a given sum of money between self and a responder, who may accept or reject the offer. If accepted, each receives the proposed split; if rejected, nobody receives anything. We studied the effect of the putative responder's degree of facial symmetry (fluctuating asymmetry, FA) on the offer he/she received in opposite-sexed UGs. Symmetry is an important measure of biological quality so subjects were expected to receive higher offers when symmetrical than asymmetrical. In a sample of Jamaicans, individuals played two UGs with opposite-sexed responders, a symmetrical photo of a Lebanese and an asymmetrical one. Individuals do indeed give more to symmetrical responders (p = 0.032). When subjects are asked their motivation, a striking dichotomy emerges: those who cite 'attractiveness' as a motive, give strongly to symmetrical responders while those citing 'need' invariably give more to asymmetrical ones (p < 0.0001). Females also show a nearly significant tendency to cite need as a motive more often than do males.
机译:最后通Game游戏(UG)衡量人类的合作倾向。提议者提议将给定的金额分配给自己和可以接受或拒绝提议的响应者。如果被接受,则每个人都会收到建议的拆分;如果被拒绝,没人会收到任何东西。我们研究了假定响应者的面部对称程度(波动性不对称,FA)对他/她在异性UGs中收到的报价的影响。对称性是衡量生物学质量的重要指标,因此,与非对称性相比,对称性受试者应获得更高的报价。在一个牙买加人的样本中,个人玩了两个与异性反应者一起的UG,一个黎巴嫩人的对称照片和一个不对称人的照片。个人确实确实给对称的响应者更多的东西(p = 0.032)。当询问被试者的动机时,就会出现一个惊人的二分法:那些以“有吸引力”为动机的人强烈地给予对称的反应者,而那些以“需要”为理由的人总是给不对称的反应者更多的东西(p <0.0001)。女性也比男性更倾向于以需求为动机。



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