首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsy research >A long-term video-EEG and behavioral follow-up after endothelin-1 induced middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats.

A long-term video-EEG and behavioral follow-up after endothelin-1 induced middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats.


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The aim was to test the hypothesis that occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) results in the development of epilepsy in rats. Further, we investigated whether lesion volume, hippocampal pathology, early seizures, or severity of behavioral impairment is associated with the development and severity of epilepsy or interictal spiking. MCA occlusion was induced by intracerebral injection of endothelin-1 (ET; 120 pmol). One group of ET-injected rats were followed-up for 6 months (n = 15) and another for 12 months (n = 20). Sham-operated animals were injected with saline (n = 12). Occurrence of early and late seizures was monitored by intermittent video-electroencephalography. Sensorimotor function was tested with the running wheel and tapered beam-walking tests. Emotional learning and memory were assessed with the fear conditioning test and spatial learning and memory with the Morris water maze. Finally, brains were processed for histology. Only one rat developed late spontaneous seizures (i.e., epilepsy). Epileptiform interictal spiking was detected in 9 of 26 animals. Early seizures did not predict the development of epilepsy, spiking activity, or severity of behavioral impairment. Production of MCA stroke by intracerebral injection of ET was not a strong trigger of epileptogenesis in adult rats. Further studies are needed to investigate the effect of age, genetic background, and location of ET-injection on the development of hyperexcitability and the risk of post-stroke epileptogenesis.
机译:目的是检验大脑中动脉闭塞导致大鼠癫痫发展的假说。此外,我们调查了病变量,海马病理学,早期癫痫发作或行为障碍的严重程度是否与癫痫或发作间期发作的发生和严重程度有关。脑内注射内皮素-1(ET; 120 pmol)可诱导MCA闭塞。一组注射了ET的大鼠进行了6个月(n = 15)的随访,另一组进行了12个月(n = 20)的随访。假手术动物注射生理盐水(n = 12)。通过间歇性脑电图监测早期和晚期癫痫发作的发生。通过行走轮和锥形束行走测试测试了感觉运动功能。情绪学习和记忆通过恐惧条件测试进行评估,空间学习和记忆通过莫里斯水迷宫进行评估。最后,对大脑进行组织学处理。只有一只大鼠出现了晚期自发性癫痫发作(即癫痫)。在26只动物中的9只中检测到癫痫样发作期尖峰。早期癫痫发作并不能预测癫痫的发展,突刺活动或行为障碍的严重程度。脑内注射ET产生MCA中风并不是成年大鼠癫痫发生的强大触发因素。需要进一步的研究来调查年龄,遗传背景和ET注射位置对过度兴奋性发展和中风后癫痫发生风险的影响。



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