首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsia: Journal of the International League against Epilepsy >Diagnosis and treatment of the first epileptic seizure: guidelines of the Italian League against Epilepsy.

Diagnosis and treatment of the first epileptic seizure: guidelines of the Italian League against Epilepsy.


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The diagnosis and treatment of a first epileptic seizure are made by physicians with different types of expertise. Heterogeneous patterns of care are thus expected, which explain the need for shared patterns of care. These guidelines were developed by a group of experts from the Italian League against Epilepsy (LICE) in accordance with the requirements of evidence-based medicine. An accurate assessment of the seizure is required, with active questioning about circumstances of occurrence, clinical manifestations, and postictal symptoms. For seizures with loss of consciousness, the presence of cyanosis, hypersalivation, tongue biting, and postictal disorientation has a specific diagnostic value. Laboratory tests and toxicological screening should be performed only in the presence of circumstances suggesting a metabolic or toxic encephalopathy. Elevated prolactin levels 10-20 min. after the event help in differentiating generalized tonic-clonic or partial seizures from psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Except for infants less than six months of age, CSF examination is recommended only when a cerebral infection is suspected. An EEG should be performed within 24 h. after a seizure, particularly in children. If the EEG is normal during wakefulness, a sleep EEG is recommended. A CT scan is strictly indicated when a severe structural lesion is suspected or when the etiology is unknown. MRI may not be indicated in the emergency room, but it should be preferred to CT as part of the diagnostic assessment. The added value of other diagnostic tools (neuropsychological tests, ambulatory EEG, functional MRI, SPECT, and PET) is as yet unknown. These tests may be used on a case-by-case basis. In the presence of an acute symptomatic seizure, treatment of the cause is recommended. Symptomatic therapy is not justified unless the seizure has the characteristics of status epilepticus. Long-term treatment may be considered in patients with abnormal EEG and imaging data and after consideration of the social, emotional, and personal implications of seizure relapse.
机译:第一次癫痫发作的诊断和治疗由具有不同专长的医生进行。因此,期望有异构的护理模式,这解释了共享护理模式的必要性。这些指南是由意大利抗癫痫联盟(LICE)的一组专家根据循证医学的要求制定的。需要对癫痫发作进行准确评估,并积极询问发生情况,临床表现和姿势症状。对于意识丧失的癫痫发作,紫,唾液分泌过多,咬舌和姿势迷失方向的发作具有特定的诊断价值。只能在提示有代谢性或中毒性脑病的情况下进行实验室检查和毒理学筛查。催乳素水平升高10-20分钟。事件发生后,有助于区分全身性强直性阵挛性发作或部分性发作与精神性非癫痫性发作。除六个月以下的婴儿外,仅在怀疑脑部感染时才建议进行CSF检查。脑电图应在24小时内进行。癫痫发作后,尤其是儿童。如果在清醒期间脑电图正常,则建议睡眠脑电图。当怀疑有严重的结构病变或病因不明时,必须严格进行CT扫描。 MRI可能不会在急诊室中显示出来,但作为CT诊断的一部分,应优先选择CT。尚不清楚其他诊断工具(神经心理学测试,动态脑电图,功能性MRI,SPECT和PET)的附加值。这些测试可能会根据具体情况使用。如果存在急性症状性癫痫发作,建议治疗原因。除非癫痫发作具有癫痫持续状态的特征,否则对症治疗是不合理的。在脑电图和影像数据异常以及考虑癫痫复发的社会,情感和个人影响后,可考虑长期治疗。



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