首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsia: Journal of the International League against Epilepsy >Geographic variation of epilepsy for older Americans: How close to the geographic variation of stroke?

Geographic variation of epilepsy for older Americans: How close to the geographic variation of stroke?


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Purpose: Given the strong association of stroke and epilepsy in older persons, and the existence of a Stroke Belt in the United States, we hypothesized that geographic variation in epilepsy prevalence would follow geographic patterns similar to stroke. Methods: We used a 2005 5% random sample of Medicare beneficiaries 65 and older in 48 U.S. contiguous states. Epilepsy was identified from claims for physician visits, hospitalizations, and outpatient procedures. Prevalence was obtained by state and county. Logistic regressions determined the independent association of the likelihood of epilepsy (prevalent or new case) and residence in Stroke Belt states, controlling for residence in highest epilepsy prevalence states, demographics (race, age, gender), comorbid conditions, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, and county characteristics. Key Findings: Of 1,212,015 beneficiaries, 11.9 per 1,000 had prevalent and 2.9 new cases of epilepsy. Nine of 11 Stroke Belt states were among the 20 states with the highest epilepsy prevalence. Counties in the 10 highest epilepsy prevalence states were more likely to be large urban counties with a higher number of neurologists or neurosurgeons per capita. The higher likelihood of prevalent epilepsy cases associated with Stroke Belt residence was explained by beneficiaries' race; that associated with residence in high epilepsy prevalence states was not. The likelihood of new epilepsy cases was negatively associated with Stroke Belt residence when controlling for covariates. Significance: The geographic variation in epilepsy prevalence is not explained by variations in known risk factors. Further research should investigate why eastern U.S. states have higher frequency of epilepsy.
机译:目的:鉴于老年人中风与癫痫病之间有很强的联系,并且在美国存在中风带,我们假设癫痫患病率的地理差异将遵循与中风相似的地理格局。方法:我们在美国48个连续州使用了2005年5%的65岁及65岁以上医疗保险受益人的随机样本。癫痫症是根据医生就诊,住院和门诊手术的索赔确定的。患病率由州和县获得。 Logistic回归确定了癫痫的可能性(流行或新发病例)与在中风带州的居住状况之间的独立关联,控制了在最高癫痫患病率州,人口统计学(种族,年龄,性别),合并症,脑血管疾病,痴呆,和县的特点。主要发现:在1,212,015名受益人中,每1,000名受益者中有11.9名患癫痫,而新发病例为2.9起。在11个中风带州中,有9个是癫痫患病率最高的20个州。癫痫患病率最高的10个州中的县更可能是人均神经科医师或神经外科医生人数较多的大型城市县。受益人的种族解释了与中风带居住相关的癫痫病流行的可能性较高。在高癫痫患病率状态下的居住情况则没有。当控制协变量时,新的癫痫病例的可能性与卒中带的居住负相关。启示:癫痫患病率的地理变化不能通过已知危险因素的变化来解释。进一步的研究应调查为什么美国东部各州的癫痫发作频率更高。



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