首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsia: Journal of the International League against Epilepsy >Interictal Epileptiform Discharges Relate to 1H-MRS-detected Metabolic Abnormalities in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.

Interictal Epileptiform Discharges Relate to 1H-MRS-detected Metabolic Abnormalities in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.


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PURPOSE: To examine whether the distribution of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) recorded from foramen ovale electrodes (FOEs) correlates with metabolite levels in medial structures of the temporal lobes in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). METHODS: We studied 34 patients with MTLE. The lateralization ratio of IEDs was calculated after counting IEDs recorded from FOEs during prolonged video-EEG monitoring. Metabolite ratio between N-acetylaspartate (NAA) and creatine (Cr) was calculated in each medial temporal structure. The correlation between the lateralization ratio of IEDs and metabolic ratio was evaluated. RESULTS: The asymmetry indexes of IEDs correlated with the asymmetry index of NAA/Cr ratio in the medial temporal structure (rho = -0.380; p = 0.027). Analysis of IEDs and metabolite ratio revealed a significant inverse relation in the contralateral side to the major epileptogenic focus (rho = -0.360; p = 0.037); however, this significance was not present in the ipsilateral side (rho = -0.018; p = 0.921). CONCLUSIONS: There is a correlation between the neuronal dysfunction or damage detected by MRS and the epileptic activity in the contralateral medial temporal structure. Our results suggest that the pathomechanism underlying the contralateral reduction of NAA/Cr ratio, frequently observed in patients with MTLE, might be related to the process of epileptogenesis generating the independent contralateral IEDs.
机译:目的:检查中孔颞叶癫痫(MTLE)患者卵圆孔电极(FOE)记录的发作间期癫痫样放电(IED)的分布是否与颞叶内侧结构中的代谢物水平相关。方法:我们研究了34例MTLE患者。在对长时间视频EEG监视期间从FOE记录的IED进行计数后,计算IED的横向化比率。计算每个内侧颞结构中N-乙酰天门冬氨酸(NAA)和肌酸(Cr)之间的代谢率。评价了IEDs的侧偏率与代谢率之间的相关性。结果:IEDs的不对称指数与内侧颞叶结构中NAA / Cr比的不对称指数相关(rho = -0.380; p = 0.027)。对IED和代谢物比率的分析显示,对侧与主要致癫痫病灶之间存在显着的反比关系(rho = -0.360; p = 0.037);然而,在同侧没有这种意义(rho = -0.018; p = 0.921)。结论:MRS检测到的神经元功能障碍或损害与对侧内侧颞叶结构的癫痫活动之间存在相关性。我们的结果表明,经常在MTLE患者中观察到对侧降低NAA / Cr比值的病理机制可能与产生独立对侧IED的癫痫发生过程有关。



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