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Meeting the California LOW CARBON CHALLENGE


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After a couple of years in limbo due to challenges to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, the California carbon credit market is heating up again. In mid-]anuary, LCFS credits were worth 55115 per ton, rising from the mid-$20 range a 3^ear earlier. A revised LCFS was readopted by the California Air Resources Board, putting the state's goal of reducing the carbon intensity (CI) of its fuels by 10 percent by 2020 back on track. In 2016, the required reduction is 2 percent from the 2010 baseline, double from the 2015 requirement and increasing steadily until 2020. Ethanol has contributed a big part of the CI reductions realized so far from the LCFS. A December 2014 CARB staff report laying out the upcoming changes to the LCFS said that cumulativelv through mid-2014, 60 percent of the credits were generated from ethanol, followed by renewable diesel at 15 percent, biodiesel at 13 percent and natural gas at 10 percent.
机译:由于对低碳燃料标准的挑战而陷入困境的几年后,加利福尼亚的碳信用市场再次升温。在二月中旬,LCFS信用额度为每吨55115美元,高于三年前的20美元中点。加利福尼亚州空气资源委员会重新采用了经修订的LCFS,使该州的目标是到2020年将其燃料的碳强度(CI)降低10%。 2016年,要求的减排量比2010年的基准降低了2%,是2015年的要求的两倍,并一直稳定增长,直到2020年。乙醇是迄今为止实现LCFS所降低的CI的很大一部分。 2014年12月,CARB的一份员工报告介绍了LCFS即将发生的变化,该报告称,到2014年中,累计的信用额度中有60%来自乙醇,其次是可再生柴油15%,生物柴油13%和天然气10% 。



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