首页> 外文期刊>Entomological Science >First record of male drumming call of the genus Capnioneura Ris, 1905 (Plecoptera, Capniidae)

First record of male drumming call of the genus Capnioneura Ris, 1905 (Plecoptera, Capniidae)

机译:Capnioneura Ris属的男性击鼓声的第一记录,1905年(Plecoptera,Capniidae)

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The male call of Capnioneura mitis, produced by drumming, is recorded and analyzed for the first time. It also represents the first known signal for the genus. It consists of a highly variable number of beats (2-32) with inter-beat duration approximately constant along the call, but inter-beat duration is temperature dependent. Thus, at 13 degrees C the mean inter-beat duration is 1.397 s (SD = 0.050) while at 21 degrees C it is 1.139 s (SD = 0.093). The call pattern exhibited by this species, as those of the majority of previously studied Capniidae species, can be catalogued as an ancestral or near-ancestral percussive monophasic signal.
机译:首次记录并分析了鼓击产生的Capnioneura mitis的雄性。它还代表该属的第一个已知信号。它由高度可变的拍子(2-32)组成,拍子间持续时间在整个通话过程中大致恒定,但拍子间持续时间与温度有关。因此,在13摄氏度时,平均心跳持续时间为1.397 s(SD = 0.050),而在21摄氏度时,则为1.139 s(SD = 0.093)。与大多数先前研究的Cap科物种一样,该物种展现出的呼叫模式可以归类为祖先或近祖先的敲击单相信号。



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