首页> 外文期刊>Entomological Science >Comparison of the life history strategies of three Dysdercus true bugs (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae), with special reference to their seasonal host plant use.

Comparison of the life history strategies of three Dysdercus true bugs (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae), with special reference to their seasonal host plant use.


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The life history strategy and seasonal host plant use of three Dysdercus bugs (D. cingulatus, D. poecilus and D. decussatus) were compared based on 2 years of twice monthly observations on Ishigaki-jima Island (24 degrees N, 124 degrees E) in the southernmost part of Japan. Dysdercus poecilus reproduced almost year round, exclusively on Sida rhombifolia, which bears fruit and/or seeds almost year round. Dysdercus cingulatus reproduced successively on various malvaceous and bombacaceous plant species, according to their seasonal fruiting cycles. Its robust reproduction was observed on Hibiscus makinoi during winter months and on Chorisia speciosa and Bombax ceiba in early summer, whereas small-scale reproduction was observed on various malvaceous plant species during the summer and autumn months. Dysdercus decussatus reproduced on Hibiscus tiliaceus and Thespesia populnea during the summer months, when these host plants bear abundant fruit and/or seeds, and its adults formed conspicuous aggregations without copulation on the underside of the leaves of those plants from November to the subsequent May. Each Dysdercus species showed a species-specific life history strategy according to the differences in the phenology of their host plants..
机译:根据石垣岛(北纬24度,东经124度)两年两次每月两次观测,比较了三种臭Dy(D. cingulatus,D。poecilus和D. decussatus)的生活史策略和季节性寄主植物的使用。在日本最南端。 dysdercus poecilus几乎一年生,仅在Sida rhombifolia上繁殖,该果实一年生于果实和/或种子。根据它们的季节性结实周期,丁香假单胞菌在不同的菊科和豆科植物上连续繁殖。在冬季的芙蓉芙蓉上以及在初夏的Chorisia speciosa和木棉树木上都观察到了其强大的繁殖能力,而在夏季和秋季的几个月里,在各种不良品上观察到了小规模繁殖。夏季的时候,Dysdercus decussatus繁殖于木槿和Thespesia populnea上,这些寄主植物结出丰硕的果实和/或种子,从11月到次年5月,它们的成虫形成明显的聚集,没有交配在这些植物的叶子下面。根据其寄主植物物候的差异,每种Dysdercus物种都显示出特定于物种的生活史策略。



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