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Diversity of proton pumps in osteoclasts: V-ATPase with a3 and d2 isoforms is a major form in osteoclasts


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Osteoclasts acidify bone resorption lacunae through proton translocation by plasma membrane V-ATPase (vacuolar-type ATPase) which has an a3 isoform, one of the four isoforms of the trans-membrane a subunit (Toyomura et al., J. Biol. Chem., 278, 22023-22030, 2003). d2, a kidney- and epididymis-specific isoform of the d subunit, was also induced in osteoclast-like cells derived from the RAW264.7 line, and formed V-ATPase with a3. The amount of d2 in osteoclasts was 4-fold higher than that of d1, a ubiquitous isoform. These results indicate that V-ATPase with d2/a3 is a major osteoclast proton pump. Essentially the same results were obtained with osteoclasts derived from mouse spleen macrophages. Macrophages from a3-knock-out mice could differentiate into multi-nuclear cells with osteoclast-specific enzymes. In these cells, the d2 isoform was also induced and assembled in V-ATPase with the a1 or a2 isoform. However, they did not absorb calcium phosphate, indicating that V-ATPase with d2/a1 or d2/a2 could not perform the function of that with d2/a3.
机译:破骨细胞通过质膜V-ATPase(真空型ATPase)通过质子移位来酸化骨吸收腔,该质膜具有a3亚型,即跨膜a亚基的四个亚型之一(Toyomura等,J.Biol.Chem。 ,278,22023-22030,2003)。 d2是d亚基的肾脏和附睾特异性亚型,也被诱导自RAW264.7系的破骨细胞样细胞中,并与a3形成V-ATPase。破骨细胞中d2的量是普遍存在的同种型d1的4倍。这些结果表明具有d2 / a3的V-ATPase是主要的破骨细胞质子泵。来源于小鼠脾巨噬细胞的破骨细胞基本上获得了相同的结果。来自a3基因敲除小鼠的巨噬细胞可以通过破骨细胞特异性酶分化为多核细胞。在这些细胞中,d2亚型也被诱导并与a1或a2亚型一起在V-ATPase中组装。但是,它们不吸收磷酸钙,表明具有d2 / a1或d2 / a2的V-ATPase不能发挥与d2 / a3相同的功能。



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