首页> 外文期刊>Entomological Review >Species Diversity of Parasitic Assemblages of Insects arid Acarines on Birds

Species Diversity of Parasitic Assemblages of Insects arid Acarines on Birds


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More than 4000 species of acarines (Prostigmata, Astigmata, Mesostigmata, Ixodidae), belonging to 52 families, parasitize on 10000 recent species of birds. However, the number of undescribed species is apparently several times that of the known species. The largest number of parasitic mites belongs to an artificial group of feather mites, comprising 37 families. About 3000 bloodsucking or parasitic insect species of 30 families and 4 orders (Mallophaga, Heteroptera, Aphaniptera, and Diptera) have been described from birds. More than 90% of these species belong to Mallophaga. The species diversity of various taxonomic groups parasitizing on birds is accounted for by an extremely wide variety of ecological niches on and within host bodies. The plumageis a unique habitat for many ectoparasites feeding on feathers and their lubricant, as well as on skin, blood, tissue liquid, and mucous excretions. Insects and Acarines associated with birds demonstrate different types of parasitism, including free-living and nest bloodsuckers, obligatory and facultative ectoparasites, and in-skin and endoparasites. Various types of ectoparasitism in the plumage are the most common. Parasitic arthropods are found in bird species of all avian orders; these orders differ widely in taxonomic diversity of parasitic assemblages. These differences are stipulated by the species richness of host taxa, ecological characteristics of birds and their parasites, and possibilities of contact between particular insect or acarine taxa and their potential hosts. The historical factors, including the coevolu-tion of partners in parasitic systems, have also played an important role in the formation of parasitic fauna of various orders and families of birds.



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