首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes >Rapid screening of membrane topology of secondary transport proteins.

Rapid screening of membrane topology of secondary transport proteins.


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Limited experimental data may be very useful to discriminate between membrane topology models of membrane proteins derived from different methods. A membrane topology screening method is proposed by which the cellular disposition of three positions in a membrane protein are determined, the N- and the C-termini and a position in the middle of the protein. The method involves amplification of the encoding genes or gene fragments by PCR, rapid cloning in dedicated vectors by ligation independent cloning, and determination of the cellular disposition of the three sites using conventional techniques. The N-terminus was determined by labeling with a fluorescent probe, the central position and the C-terminus by the reporter fusion technique using alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) and green fluorescence protein (GFP) as reporters. The method was evaluated using 16 transporter proteins of known function from four different structural classes. For 13 proteins a complete set of three localizations was obtained. The experimental data was used to discriminate between membrane topology models predicted by TMHMM, a widely used predictor using the amino acid sequence as input and by MemGen that uses hydropathy profile alignment and known 3D structures or existing models. It follows that in those cases where the models from the two methods were similar, the models were consistent with the experimental data. In those cases where the models differed, the MemGen model agreed with the experimental data. Three more recent predictors, MEMSAT3, OCTOPUS and TOPCONS showed a significantly higher consistency with the experimental data than observed with TMHMM.



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