首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Feeding periodicity, diet composition, and food consumption of subyearling rainbow trout in winter

Feeding periodicity, diet composition, and food consumption of subyearling rainbow trout in winter


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Although winter is a critically important period for stream salmonids, aspects of the ecology of several species are poorly understood. Consequently, we examined the diel feeding ecology of subyearling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during winter in a central New York stream. Rainbow trout diet was significantly different during each 4-h interval and also differed from the drift and benthos. Feeding was significantly greater during darkness (i.e. 20:00 h - 04:00 h) than during daylight hours (i.e. 08:00 h - 16:00 h), peaking at 20:00 h. Daily food consumption (1.9 mg) and daily ration (3.4 %) during winter were substantially lower than previously reported for subyearling rainbow trout in the same stream during summer. These findings provide important new insights into the winter feeding ecology of juvenile rainbow trout in streams.
机译:尽管冬季对于河流鲑鱼来说是至关重要的时期,但对几种物种的生态学方面却知之甚少。因此,我们研究了纽约中央河流冬季亚带虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)的)食生态。虹鳟鱼的饮食在每个4小时的间隔内显着不同,并且与漂流和底栖生物也不同。在黑暗中(即20:00 h-04:00 h)的进食显着大于白天(即08:00 h-16:00 h),在20:00 h达到最高。冬季每天的食物消费量(1.9毫克)和每日定量的食物(3.4%)大大低于先前报道的夏季同流亚虹鳟鱼的报道。这些发现为溪流幼体虹鳟的冬季取食生态学提供了重要的新见解。



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