首页> 外文期刊>Entomologia generalis >Artificial Rearing of the Red cotton bug, Dysdercus cingulatus using Cotton seed-based Artificial diet (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae)

Artificial Rearing of the Red cotton bug, Dysdercus cingulatus using Cotton seed-based Artificial diet (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae)

机译:使用基于棉花种子的人工饮食人工饲养红色棉bug(Dysdercus cingulatus)(半翅目:Pyrrhocoridae)

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Preparation and application of an artificial diet on insects often encounter a lot of barriers. The successive proportion of the diet affects the biology and reproduction of the insects. Dysdercus cingulatus (Fabricius 1775), an economically important insect pest infesting most of the Malvaceae plants, has been utilized in many biological researches. Laboratory rearing on natural hosts is a not economically viable, laborious and time consuming. To overcome these constrains, an artificial diet was developed using its natural feed, the cotton seed. D cingulatus developed quickly (17 days) with heavier adult female (148 mg/animals) and maximum fecundity (57 eggs/female) when reared with artificial diet. However, artificial diet reduces nymphal survival rate (10%), adult longevity (3 and 2 days for male and female respectively) and male-biased sex ratio. Furthermore, artificial diet significantly enhances hatchability. Oviposition index and relative growth rate of the pest might be due to the higher carbohydrate, protein and lipid content observed in the artificial diet. It is therefore suggested that the proposed artificial diet be used for artificial rearing of the pest.
机译:人工饮食的制备和在昆虫上的应用经常遇到很多障碍。饮食的连续比例会影响昆虫的生物学和繁殖。丁香蝇(Fabricius 1775)是一种经济上重要的害虫,侵害了大多数锦葵科植物,已在许多生物学研究中得到应用。在自然宿主上饲养实验室在经济上不可行,费力且费时。为了克服这些限制,人们开发了一种使用天然饲料即棉籽的人工饲料。在人工饮食饲养下,成年雌性(148毫克/动物)体重较重的成年雌性(148毫克/动物)发育迅速(17天),最大繁殖力(雌性57个卵)。然而,人工饮食降低了若虫的成活率(10%),成年寿命(男性和女性分别为3天和2天)和男性偏见的性别比。此外,人工饮食显着提高了孵化率。有害生物的产卵指数和相对生长率可能是由于在人工饮食中观察到的碳水化合物,蛋白质和脂质含量较高。因此,建议将拟议的人工饮食用于有害生物的人工饲养。



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