首页> 外文期刊>Environment and Ecology >Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Seed Quality of Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.)

Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Seed Quality of Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.)


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The study was carried out during the rabi season of 2013-14 in a randomized block design with seventeen treatment combination to determine the effect of different combinations of organic manures (Viz., FYM and Vermicompost), bio-fertilizers (viz., Rhizobium and PSB) and inorganic fertilizers on the seed quality parameters of fenugreek. Experimental results revealed that the co-inoculation of Rhizobium and PSB alongwith 75% nitrogen of recommended dose recorded significantly higher test weight (13.65g), seed density (1.54 g/cc standard germination (%) (94.33), seedling length (29.37 cm) and seedling dry weight (mg) (81.97 mg) followed by Rhizobium with 100% nitrogen and PSB with 100% nitrogen. The Electrical Conductivity (71.67 uS cm 'g ') was alsorecorded less in the treatment Rhizobium + PSB alongwith 75% nitrogen followed by Rhizobium with 100% nitrogenand PSB with 100% nitrogen. The study highlighted that the slightly reduced dose of inorganic nitrogen was best when applied in combination with bio-fertilizer (Rhizobium + PSB) for improving seed quality in fenugreek as compared to the rest of treatments.
机译:该研究是在2013-14年度的狂犬病季节中,采用17种治疗组合的随机区组设计进行的,以确定有机肥料(Viz。,FYM和Vermicompost),生物肥料(即Rhizobium和PSB)和无机肥料对胡芦巴种子品质参数的影响。实验结果表明,根瘤菌和PSB的共同接种以及建议剂量的75%的氮记录显着更高的试验重量(13.65g),种子密度(1.54 g / cc标准发芽率(%)(94.33),幼苗长度(29.37 cm) )和幼苗干重(mg)(81.97 mg),其次是含100%氮的根瘤菌和含100%氮的PSB;在根瘤菌+ PSB和75%氮的处理中,电导率(71.67 uS cm'g')也较少其次是根瘤菌(含100%氮)和PSB(含100%氮),研究结果表明,与其他肥料相比,与生物肥料(根瘤菌+ PSB)联合使用可改善胡芦巴的种子质量,降低无机氮的剂量最好。治疗。



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