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Life-cycle environmental and economic impacts of energy-crop fuel-chains: an integrated assessment of potential GHG avoidance in Ireland


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This paper combines life-cycle analyses and economic analyses for Miscanthus and willow heat and electricity fuel-chains in Ireland. Displaced agricultural land-uses and conventional fuels were considered in fuel-chain permutations. Avoided greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ranged from 7.7 to 3S.2 t CO2 eq. ha(-1) a(-1). Most fuel-chain permutations exhibited positive discounted financial returns, despite losses for particular entities at a farm-gate processed-biomass price of is an element of 100 t(-1) dry-matter. Attributing a value of is an element of 10 t(-1) CO2 eq. to avoided GHG emissions, but subtracting financial returns associated with displaced fuel supplies, resulted in discounted annual national economic benefits (DANEBs) ranging from -457 to 1887 is an element of ha(-1) a(-1). Extrapolating a plausible combination of fuel-chains up to a national indicative scenario resulted in GHG emission avoidance of 3.56 Mt CO2 eq. a(-)1 (5.2% of national emissions), a DANEB of 167 Me, and required 4.6% of national agricultural land area. As cost-effective national GHG avoidance options, Miscanthus and willow fuel-chains are robust to variation in yields and CO2 price, and appear to represent an efficient land-use option (e.g. compared with liquid biofuel production). Policies promoting utilisation of these energy-crops could avoid unnecessary, and environmentally questionable, future purchase of carbon credits, as currently required for national Kyoto compliance. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文结合了爱尔兰的芒草和柳树热力和电力燃料链的生命周期分析和经济分析。在燃料链排列中考虑了流离失所的农业土地利用和常规燃料。避免的温室气体排放量为7.7至3S.2 t CO2当量。 ha(-1)a(-1)。尽管某些特定实体因农场处理的生物质价格为100 t(-1)干物质而遭受损失,但大多数燃料链排列仍显示出正的折现财务收益。赋予的值是10 t(-1)CO2当量的元素。为避免温室气体排放,但减去与替代燃料供应相关的财务收益,导致年度国民经济收益(DANEB)介于-457至1887之间,是ha(-1)a(-1)的要素。推断出合理的燃料链组合,直至达到国家指示性情景,可避免3.56 Mt CO2当量的温室气体排放。 a(-)1(占国家排放的5.2%),DANEB为167 Me,并且需要占全国农业用地面积的4.6%。作为具有成本效益的国家温室气体避免方案,芒草和柳树燃料链对于产量和二氧化碳价格的变化具有较强的适应性,并且似乎代表了一种有效的土地利用方案(例如,与液态生物燃料生产相比)。促进这些能源作物利用的政策可以避免不必要的,对环境有问题的未来购买碳信用额的行为,这是目前符合《京都议定书》国家要求的。 (c)2008 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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