首页> 外文期刊>Biomass & bioenergy >Energy crops in Ireland: Quantifying the potential life-cycle greenhouse gas reductions of energy-crop electricity

Energy crops in Ireland: Quantifying the potential life-cycle greenhouse gas reductions of energy-crop electricity


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This study uses life-cycle assessment (LCA) to compare greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dominant agricultural land uses, and peat and coal electricity generation, with fuel-chains for Miscanthus and short-rotation-coppice willow (SRCW) electricity. A simple scenario was used as an example, where 30% of peat and 10% of coal electricity generation was substituted with co-fired Miscanthus and SRCW, respectively. Miscanthus and SRCW cultivation were assumed to replace sugar-beet, dairy, beef-cattle and sheep systems. GHG emissions of 1938 and 1346kg CO_2eq.ha~(-1)a~(-1) for Miscanthus and SRCW cultivation compared with between 3494 CO_2eq. ha~(-1)a~(-1) for sugar-beet cultivation and 12,068 CO_2eq.ha~(-1)a~(-1) for dairy systems. Miscanthus and SRCW fuel chains emitted 0.131 and 0.132kgCO_2eq.kWh~(-1) electricity exported, respectively, compared with 1.150 and 0.990 kg CO_2eq.kWh~(-1) electricity exported for peat and coal fuel chains. 1.48 Mt CO_2eq.a~(-1) was saved from electricity production, and 0.42 MtCO_2eq.a~(-1) was saved from displaced agriculture and soil C-sequestration. The total reduction of 1.9 Mt CO_2eq.a~(-1) represents 2.8% of Ireland's 2004 GHG emissions, but was calculated to require just 1.7% of agricultural land area and displace just 1.2% of the dairy herd (based on conservative Miscanthus and SRCW combustible-yield estimates of 11.7 and 8.81 t ha~(-1)a~(-1) dry matter, respectively). A 50% increase in cultivation emissions would still result in electricity being produced with an emission burden over 80% lower than peat and coal electricity. Lower yield assumptions had little impact on total GHG reductions for the scenario, but required substantially greater areas of land. It was concluded that energy-crop utilisation would be an efficient GHG reduction strategy for Ireland.
机译:这项研究使用生命周期评估(LCA)来比较主要农业用地,泥炭和煤炭发电所产生的温室气体(GHG)排放,以及芒草和短轮伐木柳(SRCW)电力的燃料链。以一个简单的情景为例,其中30%的泥炭和10%的煤炭发电被共燃的Miscanthus和SRCW替代。假定用芒草和SRCW栽培代替甜菜,乳制品,牛-牛和绵羊系统。芒草和SRCW栽培的1938年和1346kg CO_2eq.ha〜(-1)a〜(-1)的温室气体排放量为3494 CO_2eq.ha〜(-1)a〜(-1)。甜菜栽培用ha〜(-1)a〜(-1),乳品系统用12,068 CO_2eq.ha〜(-1)a〜(-1)。芒草和SRCW燃料链分别排放0.131和0.132kgCO_2eq.kWh〜(-1)的电力,而泥煤和煤炭燃料链分别排放1.150和0.990 kg CO_2eq.kWh〜(-1)的电力。电力生产可节省1.48 Mt CO_2eq.a〜(-1),农业置换和固碳可节省0.42 MtCO_2eq.a〜(-1)。总减少量为1.9 Mt CO_2eq.a〜(-1)占爱尔兰2004年温室气体排放量的2.8%,但据计算仅需要农业土地面积的1.7%,而仅取代奶牛群的1.2%(根据保守的Miscanthus和SRCW的可燃产量估计分别为干物质11.7 t ha〜(-1)a〜(-1)。耕种排放量增加50%仍将导致发电,其排放负担比泥煤和煤炭发电低80%以上。较低的产量假设对该方案的总温室气体减少影响不大,但是需要大量的土地。结论是,能源作物的利用将是爱尔兰有效的减少温室气体的战略。



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