首页> 外文期刊>Environment and Ecology >Growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) as influenced by flood under different planting methods and nitrogen levels.

Growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) as influenced by flood under different planting methods and nitrogen levels.


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A field experiment was conducted at Ludhiana during kharif [monsoon] 1998 to assess the damage caused by flooding and ways to mitigate the loss through maize crop management practices. The experiment comprised three levels of flood (no flooding, continuous flood for 10 days at knee-high stage and at tasselling stage), two methods of planting (flat and ridge), and two levels of nitrogen at 120 and 150 kg/hectare. Continuous flooding at the knee-high stage reduced final plant height, dry matter accumulation and grain yield by 9.2, 41.7 and 44% compared with no flooding, respectively. The corresponding decrease with flooding at the tasselling stage was 2.7, 15.3 and 15.3%, respectively. Sowing on ridges reduced the adverse effect of flooding and gave9.9% more yield than flat sowing. Application of 150 kg N/hectare enhanced the grain yield by 9.1% as compared to the recommended level of 120 kg N/hectare.
机译:1998年卡里夫(季风)期间,在卢迪亚纳(Ludhiana)进行了田间试验,以评估洪水造成的破坏以及通过玉米作物管理实践减轻损失的方法。该试验包括三个水平的洪水(无洪水,在膝高阶段和t实阶段连续洪水10天),两种种植方法(平地和垄地),以及两个氮水平分别为120和150 kg /公顷。与没有水淹相比,在膝高阶段连续水淹使最终植株高度,干物质积累和谷粒产量分别减少了9.2%,41.7%和44%。在抽雄阶段,相应的洪水降低分别为2.7%,15.3%和15.3%。在垄上播种减少了水淹的不利影响,比平播增加了9.9%的产量。与建议的120千克氮/公顷的水平相比,施用150千克氮/公顷的谷物产量可提高9.1%。



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