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Transnational governance in mountain regions: Progress and prospects


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The number of transnational governance mechanisms specifically relating to mountains is limited. Using the three axes of the framework developed by Balsiger and VanDeveer (2012) - agency, substance, and territoriality - this paper reviews progress in this domain and looks forward. It introduces themes for transnational governance of mountains in the context of the Rio conferences of 1992 and 2012 and then presents progress with regard to governance arrangements in different regions of the world, first, for biodiversity and related issues and, second, for sustainable (mountain) development. As well as state actors, many nonstate actors are involved in these arrangements; these actors are discussed. The paper concludes with conclusions regarding transnational governance in mountain areas to date and identifies future actions in the realms of monitoring, research and policy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:与山区有关的跨国治理机制数量有限。本文使用Balsiger和VanDeveer(2012)开发的框架的三个轴心-代理,实质和领域性-回顾了该领域的进展并展望了未来。它介绍了在1992年和2012年里约会议期间进行跨国山区治理的主题,然后介绍了世界不同地区在治理安排方面的进展,首先是关于生物多样性和相关问题,其次是关于可持续(山区)的问题。 )发展。与国家行为者一样,许多非国家行为者也参与了这些安排。对这些演员进行了讨论。本文的结论是迄今为止有关山区的跨国治理,并确定了在监测,研究和政策领域的未来行动。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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