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The Town's Abuzz: Collaborative Opportunities for Environmental Professionals in the Slow City Movement


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The global Slow Movement, a response to negative effects of speed on everyday life, seeks to reconnect people and their social and ecological environments. Slow Food and Cittaslow (Slow Cities) are allied Slow Movement networks operating in over 150 countries, including the United States (US). These two networks involve the interrelationship of numerous place-based factors important to social-ecological resilience: local and regional food markets, recovery and protection of biodiversity and local ecologies, support for cultural traditions, agricultural policy reform, climate adaptation planning, economic development, social inclusion, quality of life in the built environment, and the politics of land development. This article presents the philosophical underpinnings of Slow Food and the associated membership requirements of Cittaslow by using the example of Sonoma Valley, California, the first certified Cittaslow in the US (2009). The article then describes Sonoma Valley's Cittaslow Pollinator Stewardship Collaborative to show how the nascent organization has begun its work by facilitating the participation of environmental professionals in community life. In its first year, Cittaslow Sonoma Valley has used a combination of pleasure and responsibility to increase both the visibility of environmental concerns and the opportunities for diverse residents to act locally and globally on issues integrating environmental and economic support. Because it offers a different approach to environmental responsibility, the Slow Movement may be of particular interest to environmental professionals who are concerned about so- cietal response to the complexity and uncertainty of global environmental change.
机译:全球慢运动是对速度对日常生活的负面影响的回应,旨在使人们及其社会和生态环境重新联系起来。慢食和希塔斯洛(慢城市)是在包括美国(US)在内的150多个国家/地区运营的慢运动联盟网络。这两个网络涉及许多对社会生态适应力至关重要的地方因素之间的相互关系:地方和区域粮食市场,生物多样性的恢复和保护以及地方生态,对文化传统的支持,农业政策改革,气候适应规划,经济发展,社会包容,建筑环境中的生活质量以及土地开发政治。本文以美国加利福尼亚州索诺玛山谷(Sonoma Valley)为例,介绍了慢食的哲学基础以及西塔斯洛的相关会员资格要求,这是美国第一家获得认证的西塔斯洛(2009年)。然后,文章介绍了索诺玛山谷的Cittaslow授粉媒介管理者协作组织,以展示这个新生组织如何通过促进环境专业人士参与社区生活而开始其工作。在第一年,西塔斯洛索诺玛山谷(Cittaslow Sonoma Valley)结合了享乐和责任,不仅增加了对环境问题的关注,而且还为各种居民提供了在本地和全球范围内就整合环境和经济支持问题采取行动的机会。因为它为环境责任提供了不同的方法,所以对于关注社会对全球环境变化的复杂性和不确定性的社会反应的环境专业人士而言,慢运动可能特别感兴趣。



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