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Occurrence and Distribution of Mammals on the McChord Air Force Base, Washington


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In the fall of 2005 and spring and summer of 2006, The Nature Conservancy, in cooperation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Cascadia Research Collective, conducted a mammal inventory on McChord Air Force Base (MAFB). The military has a vested interest in maintaining habitat and species by congressional mandate and the corresponding burden of recovery. Six major habitat types were designated for trap-line transects; additional directed efforts were employed to target specific species. The resulting effort documented the presence of 36 species, eight of which were bats. Documented species of note include the western gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus), a state "threatened" species, detected by hair-snag tubes; long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis); long-legged myotis (Myotis volans); and the Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis). Mammalian diversity on MAFB was influenced by three factors: water (either open water or wetland habitat); large, contiguous tracts of undeveloped acreage; and continuity with Fort Lewis, a large military base immediately adjacent to MAFB. Additionally, Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), an invasive woody shrub, was found to support limited mammalian diversity, with the fewest species documented in this habitat type. Given the impending changes due to development, ownership, and climate, this survey will be useful to managers as a baseline for focused species efforts and future comparisons.
机译:在2005年秋天和2006年春季和夏季,美国自然保护协会与华盛顿鱼类和野生动物部以及卡斯卡迪亚研究集体合作,在麦考德空军基地(MAFB)进行了哺乳动物盘查。军方对通过国会授权维持生境和物种以及相应的恢复负担有着既得利益。六个主要的生境类型被指定为陷阱线样点。还采取了其他定向措施来针对特定物种。结果表明存在36种,其中8种是蝙蝠。记录在案的物种包括西部灰松鼠(Sciurus griseus),这是一种状态“受到威胁”的物种,可通过hair鼻管检测到。长耳性肌无力(Myotis evotis);长足的Myotis(Myotis volans);和Yuma myotis(Myotis yumanensis)。 MAFB上的哺乳动物多样性受到三个因素的影响:水(开放水域或湿地栖息地);大片连续的未开发土地;并与刘易斯堡(Fort Lewis)保持连续性,后者是紧邻MAFB的大型军事基地。另外,发现苏格兰入侵扫帚(Cytisus scoparius)是一种侵入性的木本灌木,支持有限的哺乳动物多样性,在这种栖息地类型中记载的物种最少。鉴于发展,所有权和气候带来的即将发生的变化,这项调查对于管理者来说是有用的,可以作为重点物种努力和未来比较的基准。



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