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A Retrospective Analysis of a Large-Scale Endangered Species Translocation Project


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During September and October of 2002,we collected and moved more than 2,000 endangered fat pocketbook pearly mussels,Potamilus capax,from a 5.7-km reach of a drainage ditch in eastern Arkansas.The translocation was to protect mussels from planned maintenance dredging and was required by the Biological Opinion prepared by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.The project did not proceed as planned,and we removed only about 80% of the P.capax.In this article we examine mistakes made,lessons learned,and discuss procedures that might have led to a more favorable outcome.We identified three key decisions that should have been thoroughly discussed prior to initiating the work: percentage of mussels to be removed,choice of recipient sites,and number of mussels to be marked and measured.Two other issues were important: the status of P.capax in Arkansas and the likelihood of future dredging needs at recipient sites.Initially,we felt that decision-analysis tools,used during planning,would have facilitated a better understanding of complex issues.Although such tools would have encouraged better discussion,it is now apparent that communication was hampered largely by the different perspectives of participants.
机译:在2002年9月和10月期间,我们从阿肯色州东部一个排水沟的5.7公里处收集并搬运了2000多只濒临灭绝的脂肪皮囊珍珠淡菜贻贝(Potamilus capax)。迁移是为了保护贻贝免受计划的维护疏trans,需要该项目没有按计划进行,因此我们仅移除了约80%的Cap.capax。在本文中,我们研究了所犯的错误,经验教训,并讨论了可能我们已经确定了在开始工作之前应该彻底讨论的三个关键决定:要去除的贻贝的百分比,接受地点的选择以及要标记和测量的贻贝的数量。另外两个问题重要的是:阿肯色州的炭疽杆菌的状况以及接收者地点未来挖泥的可能性。最初,我们认为在规划过程中使用的决策分析工具会很容易尽管这类工具本可以鼓励更好的讨论,但现在看来,参与者的不同观点严重阻碍了沟通。



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