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The role of the spray nozzle in fire suppression systems


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What is the most effective design of a fixed fire protection system? In general terms, this is a difficult, if not impossible question to answer, because it depends on exactly what is being protected. It is easy to appreciate that an off-shore oil platform, for example, presents a very different problem from a restaurant kitchen. But whatever the application, there is one device that is almost always not only part of the protection system, but which plays a critical role. The right design of this device can mean the difference between poor and highly effective performance, yet it is a relatively poorly understood animal, and often taken for granted. It is the spray nozzle. This article looks at spray nozzle technology, and explains why it is such an important component of a fire protections system. It also discusses the factors that determine the effectiveness of a particular nozzle in various applications, and the parameters that affect nozzle design.



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