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Evaluating levee failure susceptibility on the Mississippi River using logistic regression analysis


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The goal of this investigation was to test the relative importance of geologic, geomorphic, and other physical factors that have led to levee failures through the past century along much of the Mississippi River. Logistic regression analysis assessed site characteristics at levee-failure locations identified in a database of historical levee failures along 685 km of the Middle and Lower Mississippi River (MMR and LMR). Levee site parameters were evaluated using geologic maps, soil survey maps, digital elevation models (DEMs), historic river maps, dredging reports, and field evaluations. Two statistical models were created for each river reach, one with a conservative ≥95% significance threshold, and another with a relaxed significance threshold (≥80% for the MMR, and ≥90% for the LMR). The conservative MMR model identified the presence/absence of channel fills as a significant and primary predictor of levee failures. The liberal MMR model identified several additional significant controls: location on a meander bend, channel width, land-cover type, and intensity of dredging. The conservative LMR model identified location of failure on a meander bend, landcover type, channel constriction factor, and sinuosity of the channel as significant, while the liberal LMR model added: the presence of borrow pits, channel width, vegetative buffer width, and presence/absence of bank revetment. The results presented here could potentially assist engineers and decision-makers in choosing appropriate locations and designs for levees in the future.
机译:这项调查的目的是测试在过去一个世纪中密西西比河大部分地区导致堤坝倒塌的地质,地貌和其他物理因素的相对重要性。 Logistic回归分析评估了密西西比河中下游(685公里和MMR)685公里处的历史大堤破坏数据库中确定的大堤破坏位置的场地特征。使用地质图,土壤调查图,数字高程模型(DEM),历史河道图,疏dr报告和现场评估来评估堤防站点参数。为每个河段创建了两个统计模型,一个统计模型的显着性阈值保守度≥95%,另一个显着阈值的宽松度(MMR≥80%,LMR≥90%)。保守的MMR模型将通道填充的存在与否确定为堤坝故障的重要且主要的预测指标。宽松的MMR模型确定了其他几个重要控制措施:弯折弯处的位置,河道宽度,土地覆盖类型和疏intensity强度。保守的LMR模型将弯折处的故障位置,土地覆盖类型,通道收缩因子和通道的弯曲度确定为重要,而自由的LMR模型则添加了:凹坑,通道宽度,营养缓冲宽度和存在/没有银行护岸。此处提出的结果可能会帮助工程师和决策者将来为堤坝选择合适的位置和设计。



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