首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine Research >Vasopressin-activated calcium-mobilizing (VACM-1) receptor mRNA is present in peripheral organs and the central nervous system of the laboratory rat.

Vasopressin-activated calcium-mobilizing (VACM-1) receptor mRNA is present in peripheral organs and the central nervous system of the laboratory rat.


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The distribution and physiological role of the neuropeptide, arginine vasopressin (AVP), and its three receptor subtypes, V1a, V1b and V2, has been well described. A fourth AVP receptor, VACM-1, was recently discovered and appears to be a member of the cullin gene family. The objective of this research is to characterize VACM-1 receptor mRNA expression in the CNS as well as in various tissues and organs of the laboratory rat. Northern blotting of poly(A) + RNA from various tissues demonstrated the size of VACM-1 MRNA in the rat is approximately 6.3 kb. RT-PCR indicated the transcript is present in all twelve tissues examined: brainstem, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hypothalamus, aorta, gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney medulla, liver, lung, skeletal muscle, and spleen. Quantitative realtime PCR confirmed RT-PCR results that VACM-1 mRNA is in all organs and tissues and expression levels are similar in all tissues examined. The transcript encoding VACM-1, a novel AVP receptor, appears to be ubiquitously expressed in various tissues of the laboratory rat. VACM-1 shares some similarities with both V1 and V2 receptors, as it binds AVP analogues that independently recognized either of these receptors. Therefore, many functions ascribed to activation of the previously known AVP receptors could at least in part be mediated by VACM-1.
机译:已经很好地描述了神经肽精氨酸加压素(AVP)及其三种受体亚型V1a,V1b和V2的分布和生理作用。最近发现了第四个AVP受体VACM-1,它似乎是cullin基因家族的成员。这项研究的目的是表征VACM-1受体mRNA在中枢神经系统以及实验大鼠的各种组织和器官中的表达。来自各种组织的poly(A)+ RNA的Northern印迹表明,大鼠中VACM-1 MRNA的大小约为6.3 kb。 RT-PCR表明该转录本存在于所检查的所有十二种组织中:脑干,大脑皮层,小脑,下丘脑,主动脉,胃肠道,心脏,肾髓质,肝,肺,骨骼肌和脾脏。实时定量PCR证实了RT-PCR结果,表明VACM-1 mRNA存在于所有器官和组织中,表达水平在所有检查的组织中均相似。编码VACM-1(一种新的AVP受体)的转录本似乎在实验室大鼠的各种组织中普遍表达。 VACM-1与V1和V2受体有一些相似之处,因为它结合了独立识别这些受体中的任何一个的AVP类似物。因此,归因于先前已知的AVP受体激活的许多功能可以至少部分地由VACM-1介导。



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