首页> 外文期刊>Endoscopy: Journal for Clinical Use Biopsy and Technique >Macroscopic appearance of intestinal angiodysplasias under antiangiogenic treatment with thalidomide.

Macroscopic appearance of intestinal angiodysplasias under antiangiogenic treatment with thalidomide.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Angiodysplasias are the main cause of bleeding from the small intestine. Single lesions may be treated by endoscopic coagulation or surgical resection. However, multiple disseminated angiodysplasias are frequently present, making local therapy an unfavorable choice or impossible. Currently there is no established medical treatment available for these patients. Thalidomide is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis in experimental models. As angiodysplasias are a result of unregulated vessel growth, antiangiogenic treatment may inhibit growth of angiodysplasias. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We studied the effect of thalidomide on the macroscopic appearance of angiodysplasias in three patients with bleeding due to multiple angiodysplasias of the small intestine. During the previous 12 months patients had experienced 3 - 7 bleeding episodes and had received a mean of 16.7 blood units. RESULTS: After start of treatment with thalidomide at a dose of 100 mg daily, no further bleeding episodes occurred. Although thalidomide was stopped after 3 months, bleeding did not recur and hemoglobin reached and maintained normal levels without further transfusions for the whole observation period (mean follow-up 34 months). Repeat wireless capsule endoscopy after 3 months' thalidomide demonstrated substantial reductions in the number, size, and color intensity of angiodysplasias. CONCLUSION: Thalidomide seems to inhibit growth of intestinal angiodysplasias and may be useful for treatment of patients with bleeding related to angiodysplasias. Wireless capsule endoscopy allows monitoring of the macroscopic effects of antiangiogenic therapy.
机译:背景与研究目的:血管增生是小肠出血的主要原因。单个病变可通过内镜凝结或手术切除来治疗。但是,经常会出现多发性弥漫性血管增生,使局部治疗成为不利的选择或不可能。目前,没有针对这些患者的既定治疗方法。沙利度胺在实验模型中是血管生成的有效抑制剂。由于血管增生是血管生长不受控制的结果,抗血管生成治疗可能会抑制血管增生的生长。病人和方法:我们研究了沙利度胺对三例因小肠多发性血管增生引起的出血的宏观血管增生的影响。在过去的12个月中,患者经历了3-7次出血事件,平均接受了16.7个血液单位。结果:开始以每天100 mg的剂量服用沙利度胺治疗后,未发生进一步的出血事件。尽管沙利度胺在3个月后停止使用,但在整个观察期内(平均随访34个月),没有出血再次出现,血红蛋白达到并维持正常水平,无需进一步输血。沙利度胺治疗3个月后再次进行无线胶囊内镜检查,结果显示血管增生症的数量,大小和颜色强度明显减少。结论:沙利度胺似乎抑制肠道血管增生的生长,可能对治疗与血管增生相关的出血患者有用。无线胶囊内窥镜可以监测抗血管生成疗法的宏观效果。



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