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Mideast Oil With Few Strings Attached Still Beijing's Goal


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China received a rare royal visit from its biggest crude oil supplier last month, as Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Salman kept up the kingdom's recently high diplomatic profile. Coming just before US President Barack Obama's attempt to personally reassure Riyadh of Washington's continuing support, the Saudi heir apparent's visit to Beijing followed similar calls in February on other key Asian oil customers, including Japan and India (EC Mar.21' 14). The implicit message? Saudi Arabia's Asia pivot is not mere rhetoric, and Riyadh isn't standing idly by as the US, its former long-time biggest oil export market, becomes ever more energy-independent. It's seeking a new diplomatic path forward. However, for all the Saudi crude China can consume — 1.08 million barrels per day in 2013 — Beijing is neither willing nor currently able to fill the security void should the US disengage from the Mideast, as many in the region feel it is gradually doing.
机译:上个月,沙特王储萨尔曼(Salman)保持了沙特阿拉伯最近的高外交形象,中国从其最大的原油供应国那里获得了罕见的王室访问。就在美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)试图向利雅得(Riyadh)亲自向华盛顿保证继续提供支持之前,这位沙特继承人显然对北京的访问是在2月对包括日本和印度在内的其他主要亚洲石油客户发出类似呼吁之后(EC 3月21日14日)。隐式消息?沙特阿拉伯在亚洲的业务枢纽不仅仅是言辞,而且利雅得也没有袖手旁观,因为美国一直是其长期以来最大的石油出口市场,变得越来越不依赖能源。它正在寻找新的外交途径。然而,尽管沙特阿拉伯的中国可以消耗全部原油(2013年每天可消耗108万桶),但如果美国脱离中东,北京既不愿意也没有能力填补安全空白,因为该地区许多人认为它正在逐步采取行动。



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