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SANDSTONE-HOSTED GOLD DEPOSITS A New Exploration Target is recognized in Peru


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Within the last several years, Peru has experienced a remarkable resurgence in property acquisition and mineral exploration driven by more favorable political and economic conditions.1 The principal focus has been on gold. Many types of bedrock gold deposits are found within Peru,2 including acid-sulphate and adularia-sericite type vein and bulk-mineable deposits, gold-bearing porphyry copper systems, and the long-worked gold-bearing veins of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. This article is a preliminary description of a distinctive type of distal sandstone-hosted hydrothermal gold deposit found in the Andes of northern Peru. Total gold potential of these deposits may rival that of the volcanic-hosted, bulk-mineable deposits. Examples of this include Carachugo and Tantahuatay, which formed in nearby areas during the same period of Neogene magmatic activity and metallogenesis. In particular, Santa Rosa and El Toro may prove to be world-class deposits.
机译:在过去的几年中,秘鲁受到了更有利的政治和经济条件的推动,在财产收购和矿产勘探方面显着复苏。1主要重点是黄金。在秘鲁2发现了许多类型的基岩金矿床,包括酸性硫酸盐和褐铁矿-绢云母型矿床和可大量开采的矿床,含金斑岩铜矿系统以及古生代和中生代的长期含金矿床。本文是对在秘鲁北部安第斯山脉发现的一种独特类型的远端砂岩型热液金矿床的初步描述。这些矿床的总金矿潜力可能与火山岩为主的可大量开采的矿床相媲美。这样的例子包括卡拉古戈(Carachugo)和坦塔华泰(Tantahuatay),它们在新近纪岩浆活动和成矿作用的同一时期在附近地区形成。特别是,Santa Rosa和El Toro可能被证明是世界一流的矿床。



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