首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies >The impact of the indonesian financial crisis on children: an analysis using the 100 Villages data

The impact of the indonesian financial crisis on children: an analysis using the 100 Villages data


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This paper examines the impact of the Asian financial crisis on children in Indonesia. Specifically, data from four rounds of the 100 Villages Survey are used to examine changes in school attendance rates, child labour force participation and healthstatus. The paper also examines ways in which households are coping with the crisis. The findings provide little evidence that the crisis has had a dramatic negative impact on children. School attendance dropped slightly after the onset of the crisis buthas since rebounded to higher than precrisis levels. Fewer children are now working, although the older children who are working and not attending school seem to be working longer hours. Comparisons of child health status indicators over time are complicated by changes in the questionnaire but appear to show a relatively stable pattern of child health.



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