首页> 外文期刊>International journal of dermatology >'The Laundry Bag Project'--unequal distribution of dermatological healthcare resources for male and female psoriatic patients in Sweden.

'The Laundry Bag Project'--unequal distribution of dermatological healthcare resources for male and female psoriatic patients in Sweden.


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BACKGROUND: Psoriasis and eczema are common dermatological diseases that occur with approximately equal frequency in men and in women. The aim of this study was to determine whether men and women with dermatological diseases in need of ultra-violet radiation (UV) treatment receive equal care. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of records of all patients referred to and seen at our clinic during 2003 with diagnoses of psoriasis or eczema. We performed a gender-based analysis of the number, type, and estimated cost of the treatments given to each patient. We evaluated similar data from a Swedish Psoriasis Association (SPA) treatment center and from the state pharmacy monopoly (Apoteksstatistiken). RESULTS: Men with eczema or psoriasis received more help with emollients than did women and were given a greater number of UV treatments. At our clinic and at the SPA center, women constituted 37 and 42%, respectively, of the individuals who received UV treatment; yet, they received only 34 and 36% of the treatments, respectively. Women were prescribed self-care more often than men, with 61% of prescriptions for emollients and 48% of specific topical treatments for psoriasis dispensed to women. CONCLUSIONS: We discovered previously unrecognized gender differences in standard dermatological treatment for common diagnoses at our hospital. To ensure optimal care for each patient, treatment disparity should be recognized and gender-based analyzes be carried out when planning dermatological health care.



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