首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Large wood budget and transport dynamics on a large river using radio telemetry

Large wood budget and transport dynamics on a large river using radio telemetry


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Despite the abundance of large wood (LW) river studies there is still a lack of understanding of LWtransport dynamics on large low gradient rivers. This study used 290 radio frequency identification tagged (RFID) LWand 54 metal (aluminum) tagged LW, to quantify the percent of in-channel LW that moves per year and what variables play a role in LW transport dynamics. Aluminum tags were installed and monitored on LWin-transit during the rising limb of a flood, the mean distance traveled by those pieces during the week was 13.3 river kilometers (km) with a maximum distance of 72 km. RFID tagged LW moved a mean of 11.9 km/yr with a maximum observed at 101.1 km/yr. Approximately 41% of LWlow on the bank moves per year. The high rate of transport and distance traveled is likely due to the lack of interaction between LW floating in the channel and the channel boundaries, caused primarily by the width of the channel relative to length of the LW. Approximately 80% of the RFID tags moved past a fixed reader during the highest 20% of river stage per year. LW transport and logjam dynamics are complicated at high flows as pieces form temporary jams that continually expand and contract. Unlike most other studies, key members that create a logjam were defined more by stability than jam size or channel/hydrologic conditions. Finally, using an existing geomorphic database for the river, and data from this study, we were able to develop a comprehensive LWbudget showing that 5% of the in-channel LWpopulation turns over each year(input from mass wasting and fluvial erosion equals burial, decomposition, and export out of system) and another 16%of the population moving within the system. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.
机译:尽管有大量的大型木材(LW)河研究,但仍缺乏对大型低坡度河上LW输送动力学的了解。这项研究使用了290个射频识别标签(RFID)LW和54个金属(铝)标签LW,以量化每年移动的通道内LW的百分比以及哪些变量在LW传输动力学中起作用。在洪水上升沿时,在LWin-transit上安装并监控了铝标签,这些部件在一周内的平均行进距离为13.3公里(km),最大距离为72 km。 RFID标签的LW平均移动速度为11.9 km / yr,观察到的最大值为101.1 km / yr。每年大约有41%的LWlow来自银行变动。高运输速率和行进距离很可能是由于在通道中漂浮的LW与通道边界之间缺乏相互作用,这主要是由通道宽度相对于LW长度引起的。在每年河水流量最高的20%期间,大约80%的RFID标签经过固定阅读器。在大流量下,LW的运输和对接堵塞的动力学非常复杂,因为碎片会形成临时性的堵塞,并不断膨胀和收缩。与大多数其他研究不同,造成堵塞的关键成员在稳定性上的定义比堵塞的大小或航道/水文条件更重要。最后,使用现有的河流地貌数据库和这项研究的数据,我们能够开发出一个综合的LWbudget,显示每年有5%的河道内LW人口在变化(来自大量浪费和河流侵蚀的投入等于埋葬,分解,然后导出系统外),另外16%的人口在系统内移动。 2013年出版。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。



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