首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Magnitude-frequency relationship for debris flows on the fan of the calance torrent, valgaudemar (french Alps)

Magnitude-frequency relationship for debris flows on the fan of the calance torrent, valgaudemar (french Alps)


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In 1996 a large debris flow occurred on the fan of the Chalance torrent system, a tributary of the Severaisse river. French Alps. To investigate the magnitude and frequency of such debris flows on this fan, fieldwork was carried out in the summer of 1998. Detailed investigation revealed that several debris flows have occurred in the past 200 years. Lichenometry was used as a dating technique to obtain the frequency of these debris-flow events. Also the volume of these flows was estimated. With these data a magnitude-frequency relationship was constructed. This relationship shows a maximum magnitude of at least 50* 10~3 m~3. Based on data for the past c. 150 years, a debris flow of such a volume appears to have recurrence interval of approximately 34 years.
机译:1996年,Chaever洪流系统(Severaisse河的支流)的风扇上发生了大块泥石流。法国阿尔卑斯山。为了调查这种风扇上的此类泥石流的大小和频率,1998年夏天进行了实地调查。详细调查显示,过去200年中发生了数次泥石流。地衣测定法用作测年技术来获得这些泥石流事件的发生频率。还估算了这些流量。利用这些数据,构建了幅值-频率关系。这种关系显示出最大幅度至少为50 * 10〜3 m〜3。根据过去的数据c。 150年以来,如此体积的泥石流的复发间隔似乎约为34年。



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