首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Coastal dune fields at the S?o Francisco River strandplain, northeastern Brazil: morphology and environmental controls

Coastal dune fields at the S?o Francisco River strandplain, northeastern Brazil: morphology and environmental controls


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Extensive coastal dune fields occur on the Quaternary strandplain associated with the Sao Francisco River mouth. Two different generations of dunes are identified. One is inactive, already fixed by vegetation, comprising parabolic dunes. The other generation is active, bordering the present-day shoreline and transgressing over the inactive dune field. Three morphological provinces in the active coastal dune fields are recognized. On the updrift side of the Sao Francisco River mouth, they are: (a) sand-sheet with shrub coppice and shadow dunes; (b) isolated dunes of the barchan-transversal type up to 5 m high, and interdune areas; and (c) a 23 m high compound dune, with superimposed small dunes. The same provinces are recognized on the downdrift side of the river mouth, with two important exceptions: the barchan-transversal and compound dunes are replaced, respectively, by (i) zibar-type dunes up to 5 m high, and (ii) a 19 m high precipitation dune, which is associated with numerous blowouts. The prevailing eastern winds from August to January favour the development of the aeolian bedforms and the migration of dunes. The shoreline orientation almost transversal to the winds and the great supply of fine-grained sediments contribute to the formation of barchan-transversal types and compound dunes in the updrift side. On the other hand, in the downdrift side the shoreline orientation is almost parallel to the prevailing winds. This fact, in association with a coarser grain size in the beachface, favours the formation of zibar-type and precipitation dunes with numerous blowouts. The rate of migration of individual dunes is about 20 to 24 m per year. This study suggests that the aeolian sedimentation is a relatively recent phenomenon at the Quaternary strandplain of the Sao Francisco River. The first generation of dune fields initiated some time after 3000 years BP and the second generation originated some centuries ago.
机译:与圣弗朗西斯科河河口有关的第四纪平原上出现了广泛的沿海沙丘场。确定了两个不同世代的沙丘。一种是不活跃的,已经被植被所固定,包括抛物线沙丘。另一代人活跃,与当今的海岸线接壤,并越过了不活跃的沙丘场。活跃的沿海沙丘场中的三个形态省份得到了认可。在圣弗朗西斯科河河口的上流侧,它们是:(a)灌木灌木林和阴影沙丘的沙床; (b)高至5 m的孤立的沙丘横断型沙丘和沙丘区; (c)高23 m的复合沙丘,上面有小沙丘。相同的省份在河口的下漂侧得到认可,但有两个重要的例外:横断沙丘沙丘和复合沙丘分别被(i)高至5 m的zibar型沙丘和(ii)a 19 m高的降水沙丘,伴随着大量的井喷。从八月到一月盛行的东风有利于风沙地貌的发展和沙丘的迁移。海岸线的方向几乎与风成横向,大量的细颗粒沉积物有助于在上游地区形成巴坎横向类型和复合沙丘。另一方面,在下漂侧,海岸线方向几乎与盛行风平行。这个事实与海滩表面较粗的晶粒尺寸有关,有利于形成井喷型沙丘和降水沙丘,井喷多。单个沙丘的迁移速度约为每年20至24 m。这项研究表明,风沙沉积是圣弗朗西斯科河第四纪平原地区的一个相对较新的现象。第一代沙丘气田是在3000年后的某个时期开始的,而第二代则是几个世纪前的起源。



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