首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Testing etching hypothesis for the schaping of granite dome structure beneath lateritic weathering landsurfaces using ERT method

Testing etching hypothesis for the schaping of granite dome structure beneath lateritic weathering landsurfaces using ERT method


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Granite domes, boulders and knobs buried within saprolite have been detected beneath lateritic weathering landsurfaces using 2D electrical resistivity tomograph (ERT). This technique provides a valuable means of mapping the bedrock topography and the regolith structures underneath landsurfaces, as it is intrinsically very sensitive to the electrical properties of superimposed pedological, hydrological and geological layers, allowing the determination of their relative geometry and spatial relationships. For instance, 2D inverse electrical resistivity models including topographic data permit the definition of lithostratigraphic cross-sections. It shows that resistive layers, such as the more or less hardened ferruginous horizons and/or the bedrock, are generally well differentiated from poorly resistive layers, such as saprolite, including water-saturated lenses, as has been corroborated by past and actual borehole observations. The analysis of the 2D geometrical relations between the weathering front, i.e. the bedrock topography, and the erosion surface, i.e. the landsurface topography, documents the weathering and erosion processes governing the development of the landforms and the underlying structures, thus allowing the etching hypothesis to be tested. The infiltration waters are diverted by bedrock protrusions, which behave as structural thresholds compartmentalizing the saprolite domain, and also the regolith water table, into distinct perched saturated subdomains. The diverted waters are thus accumulated in bedrock troughs, which behave like underground channels where the saprolite production rate may be enhanced, provided that the water drainage is efficient. If the landsurface topography controls the runoff dynamics, the actual bedrock topography as depicted by ERT imaging influences the hydrodynamics beneath the landsurface. In some way, this may control the actual weathering rate and the shaping of bedrock protrusions as granite domes and knobs within thick saprolite, before their eventual future exposure.
机译:使用2D电阻断层扫描仪(ERT)已检测到埋在腐泥土中的花岗岩穹顶,巨石和球形突起。这项技术为绘制基岩地形和地表以下的砾石结构提供了一种有价值的手段,因为它本质上对叠加的土壤,水文和地质层的电学特性非常敏感,从而可以确定它们的相对几何形状和空间关系。例如,包含地形数据的2D反电阻率模型允许定义岩石地层剖面。它表明,电阻层(例如或多或少硬化的铁质地层和/或基岩)通常与电阻差的层(如腐泥土,包括水饱和透镜)有很好的区别,过去和实际的井眼观测都证实了这一点。 。对风化锋面(即基岩地形)和侵蚀面(即陆面地形)之间的二维几何关系进行分析,记录了支配地貌和下伏构造发展的风化和侵蚀过程,从而使蚀刻假设得以实现。被测试。渗透水被基岩突出物分流,基岩突出物将腐泥土域和重水石地下水位分隔为结构性的阈值,进入不同的饱和饱和子域。因此,转移的水积聚在基岩槽中,其行为类似于地下通道,如果排水有效,则可以提高腐泥土的生产率。如果地表地形控制了径流动力学,则ERT成像所描绘的实际基岩地形会影响地表以下的水动力。以某种方式,这可以控制实际的风化速率和基岩突起的形状,使其成为厚的腐泥土中的花岗岩穹顶和凸起,然后再将其最终暴露。



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