首页> 外文期刊>Insect Molecular Biology >Wolbachia in the Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae (Wood-Mason):correlation between host mitotypes and infection status

Wolbachia in the Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae (Wood-Mason):correlation between host mitotypes and infection status

机译:亚洲稻gall蚊(Worseolia oryzae(Wood-Mason))中的Wolbachia:寄主基因型与感染状况之间的相关性

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Using a PCR-based method, we detected Wolbachia in the Asian rice gall midge, Furthermore, results showed that all females across all biotypes are infected with Wolbachia, However, all male flies are not Infected and show different Infection frequency in different biotypes. We have also identified three mitotypes, in the rice gall midge, based on Dral restriction pattern of a portion of the 12S rRNA gene that was PCR amplified using primers specific to this gene. All the females and infected male flies had type 1 mtDNA while uninfected males showed only type 2 or 3 mtDNA, Inheritance patterns of mtDNA revealed the existence of a correlation between mtDNA type and Wolbachia infection in the Asian rice gall midge. Evidence for paternal inheritance of mtDNA in Wolbachia-free gall midge is also presented.
机译:使用基于PCR的方法,我们在亚洲稻gall蚊中检测到Wolbachia。此外,结果表明,所有生物型的所有雌性都感染了Wolbachia,但是,所有雄性果蝇均未受到感染,并且在不同生物型中显示出不同的感染频率。我们还基于使用该基因特异引物PCR扩增的12S​​ rRNA基因的一部分的Dral限制模式,在稻gall中鉴定了三种基因型。所有雌性和受感染的雄性蝇都具有1型mtDNA,而未受感染的雄性仅显示2型或3型mtDNA。mtDNA的遗传模式显示,亚洲稻DNA中的mtDNA类型与Wolbachia感染之间存在相关性。还提供了无沃尔巴克胆虫中mtDNA父系遗传的证据。



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