首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Biogenic silica: a neglected component of the coupled global continental biogeochemical cycles of carbon and silicon

Biogenic silica: a neglected component of the coupled global continental biogeochemical cycles of carbon and silicon


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On geological time-scales (106 years), the global geochemical cycles of carbon and silicon are coupled by the drawdown of atmospheric CO, through chemical weathering of Ca- and Mg-silicate minerals in continental rocks. Rivers transport the soluble products of weathering (cations, alkalinity and silicic acid) to the oceans, where they are utilized by marine ecosystems. On decadal to glacial-interglacial time-scales, however, large biotic fluxes and storages of Si within terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems need to be taken into account. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of Si-accumulating plants, which deposit significant amounts of amorphous hydrated silica in their tissues as opal phytoliths. These include grasses, sedges, palms, some temperate deciduous trees and conifers, and many tropical hardwoods. Landscapes dominated by accumulator plants, such as tropical rainforests, grasslands, herbaceous wetlands and bamboo forests, act as 'silica factories'. Important,silica bioengineers' in freshwater ecosystems comprise diatoms, sponges and chrysophytes. This paper reviews the biological role of Si in higher plants, the impact of vegetation on rates of chemical weathering, the fluxes of Si through catchment ecosystems, lakes and rivers, and the potential contribution of new geochemical and isotopic tracers to Si biogeochemistry. Multiproxy investigations of lake sediments will provide novel insights into past variations in Si biocycling from terrestrial to aquatic realms on 10-10(6) year time-scales. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:在地质时间尺度上(106年),碳和硅的全球地球化学循环通过大陆岩石中钙和镁硅酸盐矿物的化学风化与大气CO的下降相结合。河流将风化的可溶性产物(阳离子,碱度和硅酸)运送到海洋,并由海洋生态系统加以利用。然而,从年代际到冰川间的时间尺度,需要考虑到陆地和淡水生态系统中大量的生物通量和硅的储存。最近的研究强调了硅富集植物的重要性,硅富集植物将大量无定形的水合二氧化硅以蛋白石藻石的形式沉积在其组织中。这些包括草,莎草,棕榈,一些温带的落叶乔木和针叶树,以及许多热带硬木。以蓄积植物为主的景观,例如热带雨林,草原,草本湿地和竹林,被称为“二氧化硅工厂”。淡水生态系统中重要的二氧化硅生物工程人员包括硅藻,海绵和金藻。本文综述了硅在高等植物中的生物学作用,植被对化学风化速率的影响,硅在集水区生态系统,湖泊和河流中的通量以及新型地球化学和同位素示踪剂对硅生物地球化学的潜在贡献。湖泊沉积物的多代理研究将以10-10(6)年的时间尺度提供从陆地到水域的Si生物循环过去变化的新颖见解。版权所有(c)2008 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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