首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Storage of sediment-associated heavy metals along the channelized Odra River, Poland

Storage of sediment-associated heavy metals along the channelized Odra River, Poland


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The importance of long-term storage of heavy metals in groyne fields, functioning over 150 years, is investigated for the River Odra (Oder), western Poland. Construction of groynes along the Odra preceded rapid development of heavy industrialization in the largest coal mine districts in Poland and the Czech Republic that resulted in persistent riverine pollution. The 187 km long Middle Odra reach was repeatedly channelized from the first half of the eighteenth century to the turn of the twentieth century, during which time partially filled groyne fields were dissected by new bank lines and groyne systems, with older groyne fields partially keyed into the floodplain. Consequently, concentrations of zinc, lead, cadmium, and copper within historically deposited groyne field sediments exceed local geochemical background levels by more than 60, 40, 15 and 10 times, respectively. Sediments contaminated with heavy metals occur within three distinctive geomorphic zones: zone I is up to 250 m wide and furthest from the present channel, comprising decimeter-thick polluted sediments, overlying eighteenth century sand and gravel bars; zone II represents the former nineteenth century groyne fields, with widths between 10 and 100 m, filled with as much as 3 m of polluted sediments; zone III represents the twentieth century groyne fields, which are several to a dozen metres wide and filled with polluted sediments averaging depths of more than 2 m. This investigation indicates that large and extensive sediment quantities of moderately polluted sediments are stored immediately along the banks of the River Odra. These sediments could be a significant secondary pollution source and therefore careful maintenance of contemporary bank protection structures is required.
机译:在波兰西部的奥德拉河(奥得河),研究了在150年以上运作的防波堤场中重金属长期存储的重要性。在奥得拉河沿岸的防波堤的建造是在波兰和捷克共和国最大的煤矿区的重工业快速发展之前进行的,这导致了持续的河流污染。从18世纪上半叶到20世纪初,长达187公里的中奥德拉河段被反复引导,在此期间,部分堤坝被填满的堤坝被新的河岸线和堤坝系统分开,而旧的堤坝被部分地锁入洪泛区。因此,历史沉积的丁坝场沉积物中锌,铅,镉和铜的浓度分别超过当地地球化学背景水平的60倍以上,40倍,15倍和10倍以上。受重金属污染的沉积物出现在三个独特的地貌区域内:I区最宽达250 m,距目前的航道最远,包括分米厚的污染沉积物,覆盖在18世纪的沙石砾石上。 II区代表前19世纪的防波堤场,宽度在10至100 m之间,充满了多达3 m的污染沉积物;第三区代表二十世纪的防波堤场,其宽度为几米到十几米,充满了平均深度超过2 m的污染沉积物。这项调查表明,大量的中度污染的沉积物大量沉积在奥德拉河沿岸。这些沉积物可能是重要的二次污染源,因此需要仔细维护当代河岸保护结构。



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