
Long-term growth of a valley-bottom gully, western Iowa


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Growth of a permanent, valley-bottom gully from 1964 to 2000 was determined annually from survey and sediment-discharge data and compared with runoff and baseflow discharges. Data were analysed to test the hypothesis that rates of gully growth decay exponentially with time in response to shrinking catchment area caused by gully enlargement. Also, monthly values of growth rates and runoff, averaged over the 36-year record, were analysed with mass-wasting data to determine the extent to which colluvium availability affected growth rates seasonally. From 1964 to 2000, the gully volume increased by 9200 m~3, accounting for 34 per cent of sediment yield from the watershed. There were tight power-law relationships between annual growth rates and annual runoff, with runoff exponents of 1.57 and 1.30 for headward and volumetric growth, respectively. Increases in gully length, area, and volume were fitted successfully assuming an exponential decay in growth rate with time. Rather than being due to a decrease in catchment area, however, the decline in growth rate was caused by a 77 per cent decrease in the ratio of runoff to baseflow, which also widened the gully and reduced the mean slope of its banks. Order-of-magnitude seasonal changes in erosion efficiency, defined as the fraction of stream power used to evacuate sediment from the gully, were roughly correlated with colluvium availability, as indicated by seasonal changes in the number of bank mass-wasting events. No more than 2.2 per cent of stream power was used to evacuate sediment during any month. This study demonstrates the danger of attributing declining rates of gully growth to a shrinking catchment area if corroborative runoff and baseflow data are not available. Moreover, it illustrates that stream power alone provides only a rough and physically indirect measure of erosion potential.
机译:根据调查和沉积物排放数据,每年确定1964年至2000年一个永久性谷底沟壑的生长,并将其与径流量和基流排放量进行比较。分析数据以检验以下假设:响应于由沟壑扩大引起的汇水面积缩小,沟壑生长速率随时间呈指数衰减。此外,还用大量浪费的数据分析了36年记录中的平均月增长率和径流量值,以确定秋水松可利用度对季节性增长率的影响程度。从1964年到2000年,河谷流量增加了9200 m〜3,占该流域沉积物产量的34%。年增长率与年径流量之间存在紧密的幂律关系,前进和体积增长的径流量指数分别为1.57和1.30。假设生长速度随时间呈指数衰减,成功地拟合了沟长,面积和体积的增加。然而,增长率的下降不是由于流域面积的减少,而是由于径流与基流之比下降了77%,这也扩大了河谷并降低了河岸的平均坡度。侵蚀效率的数量级季节性变化(定义为用于从沟渠中抽出沉积物的水流功率的比例)与冲积层的利用率大致相关,如河岸消水事件数量的季节性变化所示。在任何月份中,不超过2.2%的水流功率被用于疏散沉积物。这项研究表明,如果没有确凿的径流和基础流量数据,则有可能将河谷增长速度的下降归因于汇水面积的减少。此外,它表明,仅河流动力仅能提供对侵蚀潜能的粗略且物理上间接的度量。



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