
The effect of glaciation on the intensity of seismic ground motion


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Seismicity is known to contribute to landscape denudation through its role in earthquake-triggered slope failure; but little is known about how the intensity of seismic ground motions, and therefore triggering of slope failures, may change through time. Topography influences the intensity of seismic shaking - generally steep slopes amplify shaking more than flatter slopes - and because glacial erosion typically steepens and enlarges slopes, glaciation may increase the intensity of seismic shaking of some landforms. However, the effect of this may be limited until after glaciers retreat because valley ice or ice-caps may damp seismic ground motions. Two-dimensional numerical models (FLAC 6.0) were used to explore how edifice shape, rock stiffness and various levels of ice inundation affect edifice shaking intensity. The modelling confirmed that earthquake shaking is enhanced with steeper topography and at ridge crests but it showed for the first time that total inundation by ice may reduce shaking intensity at hill crests to about 20-50% of that experienced when no ice is present. The effect is diminished to about 80-95% if glacier ice level reduces to half of the mountain slope height. In general, ice cover reduced shaking most for the steepest-sided edifices, for wave frequencies higher than 3Hz, and when ice was thickest and the rock had shear stiffness well in excess of the stiffness of ice. If rock stiffness is low and shear-wave velocity is similar to that of ice, the presence of ice may amplify the shaking of rock protruding above the ice surface. The modelling supports the idea that topographic amplification of earthquake shaking increases as a result of glacial erosion and deglaciation. It is possible that the effect of this is sufficient to have influenced the distribution of post-glacial slope failures in glaciated seismically active areas.
机译:众所周知,地震作用是由于其在地震触发的边坡破坏中的作用而导致景观剥落。但是,人们对地震地面运动的强度以及边坡破坏的触发如何随时间变化的知之甚少。地形影响地震震动的强度-通常陡峭的斜坡比平坦的斜坡更能放大震动-并且由于冰川侵蚀通常会使斜坡陡峭并扩大,冰川作用可能会增加某些地貌的地震震动的强度。但是,由于山谷冰或冰帽可能会减弱地震的地震动,因此直到冰川退缩之后,这种影响才可能受到限制。使用二维数值模型(FLAC 6.0)来探讨建筑物的形状,岩石刚度和各种程度的冰浸如何影响建筑物的晃动强度。该模型证实,陡峭的地形和山脊处的地震震动会增强,但首次表明,冰的全部淹没可能会使山顶处的地震强度降低到不存在冰时的震荡强度的20%至50%。如果冰川的冰位降低到山坡高度的一半,则影响降低到约80-95%。通常,对于最陡峭的侧面建筑物,对于大于3Hz的波浪频率,当冰最厚且岩石的剪切刚度远远超过冰的刚度时,冰盖可以最大程度地减少晃动。如果岩石刚度低并且剪切波速度类似于冰的速度,则冰的存在可能会放大在冰表面上方突出的岩石的振动。该模型支持以下想法:由于冰河侵蚀和冰消作用,地震震动的地形放大作用增加。这样做的效果可能足以影响冰川活动地区的冰川后斜坡破坏的分布。



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