首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >Ephemeral disturbances have long-lasting impacts on forest invasion dynamics

Ephemeral disturbances have long-lasting impacts on forest invasion dynamics


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Ephemeral disturbances are common in many systems. Often, these brief events are assumed to be a nuisance with little long-term ecological impact. We quantified the impact of the ephemeral forest disturbance caused by gypsy moth canopy defoliation on exotic plant invasion in eight hardwood forests in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, USA. Six years following the gypsy moth disturbance, we were able to predict 59% of the increase in Alliaria petiolata abundance and 42% of the increase in Microstegium vimineum abundance with models incorporating an interaction between disturbance severity and propagule pressure. In addition, we found that the disturbance timing had substantial impacts on the invasion dynamics of Alliaria petiolata. Our results suggest that ephemeral disturbances can have important and long-lasting impacts on plant communities, and highlight the need to account for variations in disturbance characteristics and the role of propagule pressure in determining the disturbance-invasion relationship.
机译:暂时性干扰在许多系统中都很常见。通常,这些短暂事件被认为是有害的,几乎没有长期的生态影响。我们在美国特拉华州水隙国家游乐区量化了吉普赛蛾冠层落叶引起的短暂森林扰动对八种硬木森林中外来植物入侵的影响。在吉卜赛蛾骚扰后的六年中,我们能够利用扰动严重程度与繁殖体压力之间的相互作用模型来预测小蒜Alliaria petiolata丰度增加的59%和Viegumium v​​imineum丰度增加的42%。此外,我们发现干扰时间对小葱蒜的入侵动力学有重要影响。我们的结果表明,短暂的扰动会对植物群落产生重要而持久的影响,并强调需要考虑扰动特征的变化以及繁殖压力在确定扰动-侵入关系中的作用。



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