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Does enemy loss cause release? A biogeographical comparison of parasitoid effects on an introduced insect


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The loss of natural enemies is a key feature of species introductions and is assumed to facilitate the increased success of species in new locales (enemy release hypothesis; ERH). The ERH is rarely tested experimentally, however, and is often assumed from observations of enemy loss. We provide a rigorous test of the link between enemy loss and enemy release by conducting observational surveys and an in situ parasitoid exclusion experiment in multiple locations in the native and introduced ranges of a gall-forming insect, Neuroterus saltatorius, which was introduced poleward, within North America. Observational surveys revealed that the gall-former experienced increased demographic success and lower parasitoid attack in the introduced range. Also, a different composition of parasitoids attacked the gall-former in the introduced range. These observational results show that enemies were lost and provide support for the ERH. Experimental results, however, revealed that, while some enemy release occurred, it was not the sole driver of demographic success. This was because background mortality in the absence of enemies was higher in the native range than in the introduced range, suggesting that factors other than parasitoids limit the species in its native range and contribute to its success in its introduced range. Our study demonstrates the importance of measuring the effect of enemies in the context of other community interactions in both ranges to understand what factors cause the increased demographic success of introduced species. This case also highlights that species can experience very different dynamics when introduced into ecologically similar communities.
机译:天敌的丧失是物种引进的关键特征,并被认为可以促进物种在新的地区获得更大的成功(敌人释放假说; ERH)。但是,ERH很少通过实验进行测试,通常是根据对敌方损失的观察得出的。我们通过观察性调查和原位和引入的形成胆虫的昆虫Neuroterus saltatorius的多个位置的原位拟寄生物排斥实验,对敌人损失和释放敌人之间的关系进行了严格的测试,北美。观察性调查显示,在所介绍的范围内,胆囊形成者在人口统计学方面的成功率提高了,寄生虫的发作率降低了。同样,在所引入的范围内,不同种类的寄生物攻击了胆囊形成者。这些观察结果表明,敌人丧生并为ERH提供了支持。然而,实验结果表明,尽管有一些敌人被释放,但这并不是人口统计学上成功的唯一动力。这是因为在没有敌人的情况下,自然范围内的本底死亡率高于引入范围内的死亡率,这表明除寄生虫以外的其他因素限制了该物种在其自然范围内的生长,并为其在成功引入范围内的成功做出了贡献。我们的研究表明,在这两个范围内的其他社区相互作用的背景下,测量敌人的影响的重要性,以了解是什么因素导致了引入物种的人口统计学上的成功。这种情况还突出表明,将物种引入生态相似的社区时会经历非常不同的动力。



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