首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >Life history benefits of residency in a partially migrating pond-breeding amphibian

Life history benefits of residency in a partially migrating pond-breeding amphibian


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Species with partial migration, where a portion of a population migrates and the other remains residential, provide the opportunity to evaluate conditions for migration and test mechanisms influencing migratory decisions. We conducted a five-year study of two populations of red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens), composed of individuals that either remain as residents in the breeding pond over the winter or migrate to the terrestrial habitat. We used multistate mark-recapture methods to (1) test for differences in survival probability between migrants and residents, (2) determine if migrants breed every year or skip opportunities for reproduction, and (3) estimate the frequency of individuals switching migratory tactic. We used estimates of life history parameters from the natural populations in combination with previous experimental work to evaluate processes maintaining partial migration at the population level and to assess mechanisms influencing the decision to migrate. Based on capture-recapture information on over 3000 individuals, we found that newts can switch migratory tactics over their lifetime. We conclude that migrants and residents coexist through conditional asymmetries, with residents having higher fitness and inferior individuals adopting the migrant tactic. We found that newts are more likely to switch from residency to migrating than the reverse and males were more likely to remain as residents. Migration differences between the sexes are likely driven by reproduction benefits of residency for males and high energetic costs of breeding resulting in lower breeding frequencies for females. Environmental conditions also influence partial migration within a population; we found support for density-dependent processes in the pond strongly influencing the probability of migrating. Our work illustrates how migration can be influenced by a complex range of individual and environmental factors and enhances our understanding of the conditions necessary for the evolution and maintenance of partial migration within populations.
机译:一部分人口迁移的物种(一部分人口迁移而另一部分仍为居民)为评估迁移条件和测试影响移民决策的机制提供了机会。我们对两个红色斑点new(Notophthalmus viridescens)种群进行了为期五年的研究,这些种群要么在冬天作为繁殖池塘的居民居住,要么迁移到陆地栖息地。我们使用多状态标记夺回方法来(1)测试移民与居民之间的生存概率差异,(2)确定移民是每年繁殖还是跳过繁殖机会,(3)估计个人采用迁移策略的频率。我们将自然种群的生活史参数估计值与先前的实验工作结合起来,用于评估维持种群部分移民的过程并评估影响移民决定的机制。根据3000多个个体的捕获-捕获信息,我们发现new可以在其一生中改变迁徙策略。我们得出的结论是,移民和居民通过有条件的不对称共存,居民的适应性更高,个人采用移民策略的情况较差。我们发现,与反向迁徙相比,new更容易从居住地迁移到迁徙,而男性更可能留下来作为居民。性别之间的迁移差异可能是由雄性的居留权的繁殖收益和高昂的育种成本导致的,导致雌性的繁殖频率降低。环境条件也影响人口内部的部分迁移。我们发现对池塘中依赖密度的过程的支持强烈影响了迁移的可能性。我们的工作说明了移徙如何受到各种各样的个人和环境因素的影响,并加深了我们对人口中部分移徙的进化和维持所必需的条件的理解。



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