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Positive effects of native shrubs on Bromus tectorum demography


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There is increasing recognition that overall interactions among plant species are often the net result of both positive and negative effects. However, the positive influence other plants has rarely been examined using detailed demographic methods, which are useful for partitioning net effects at the population level into positive and/or negative effects oil individual vital rates. This study examines the influence of microhabitats created by the native shrubs Artemisia tridentata and Purshia tridentata on the demography of the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum in the Great Basin Desert, California, USA. Shrub understory environments differed significantly from intershrub space and were characterized by higher soil fertility and less extreme microclimates. There existed a strong spatial association between B. tectorum and the shrubs across four years, with more than double the density of B. tectorum in shrub microhabitats compared to intershrub space. Periodic matrix models were used to calculate population growth (lambda) and reproductive potential (RP, expected lifetime fecundity of seedlings) of B. tectorum in different microhabitats over two years. Modeled population growth was significantly increased in shrub microhabitats in the first of two years. This was primarily due to increased seedling establishment in Artemisia microhabitats. rather than effects during the growing season. In the following year, B. tectorum individuals in shrub microhabitats had a significantly greater reproductive potential than those in intershrub microhabitats, indicating shrub facilitation during the growing season. Loop analysis revealed an interacting effect of year and microhabitat on B. tectorum life history pathway elasticity values, demonstrating a fundamental influence of spatiotemporal factors oil which life history pathways are important and/or possible. Life table response experiment (LTRE) analysis showed that increased survival and growth rates positively contributed to population growth in both years Under Purshia, but only in the second Year Under Artemisia. This research provides evidence that the positive effects of native shrubs on B. tectorum can be strong enough to produce net positive effects at the population level, although positive effects were variable. In this study, a rigorous demographic approach was particularly useful in partitioning overall interactions into positive and negative components.
机译:人们越来越认识到,植物物种之间的整体相互作用通常是正面和负面影响的净结果。但是,很少使用详细的人口统计学方法检查其他植物的积极影响,这对于将种群水平上的净效应分为各个个体生命率的正面和/或负面影响是有用的。这项研究调查了美国加州大盆地沙漠中原生灌木灌木蒿(Artemisia tridentata)和紫草(Purshia tridentata)产生的微生境对入侵性一年生草无尾金龟的人口统计的影响。灌木林下环境与灌木间空间有显着差异,其特征是土壤肥力较高,极端气候较少。在过去的四年中,胸腺和灌木之间存在很强的空间联系,与灌木间空间相比,灌木微生境中的胸腺密度高出一倍以上。使用周期性矩阵模型来计算两年内不同微生境中金合欢的种群增长(λ)和繁殖潜力(RP,幼苗的预期终生繁殖力)。在最初的两年中,灌木微生境的模拟种群增长显着增加。这主要是由于蒿微生境中幼苗的生长增加。而不是生长季节的影响。在接下来的一年中,灌木微生境中的鹤望兰个体的繁殖潜力要比灌木微生境中的种群大得多,这表明灌木在生长季节中具有促进作用。环路分析揭示了年和微生境对鹤望蚌生活史途径弹性值的相互作用,表明时空因素对生命史途径是重要和/或可能的根本影响。生命表响应实验(LTRE)分析表明,在Purshia统治下的这两个年度中,存活率和增长率的提高都对人口增长产生了积极影响,而在蒿属的第二年中,这种增长才对人口的增长做出了积极贡献。这项研究提供的证据表明,尽管灌木的正面效果是可变的,但天然灌木对鹤望兰的正面效果可能足以产生纯正效果。在这项研究中,严格的人口统计方法在将整体互动划分为积极和消极方面特别有用。



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