首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >Overestimations of food abundance: Predator responses to prey aggregation

Overestimations of food abundance: Predator responses to prey aggregation


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Understanding and predicting the consequences of trophic interactions for community processes requires knowledge of the role of food availability, which is often wrongly conflated with prey abundance. For prey animals in groups, this is not fully understood. Previous work has shown that oystercatchers more frequently attack solitary rather than aggregated limpets and are more successful in predation attempts on singletons. It has also been demonstrated that an attack on one limpet in a group alerts the entire group, all of which then clamp down and become unavailable. I show that Eurasian Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus L.) attack only one limpet in a group and then move on to attack another individual limpet, and I also demonstrate that the distance they move is greater than the distance at which groups of limpets have been known to detect attacks. Thus in the oystercatcher-limpet predator-prey system on rocky shores, groups of limpets are actually one prey item independently of the number of limpets in the group. This has implications for assessment of food supply for avian predators on rocky shores, with consequences for our understanding of previously documented trophic cascades.
机译:要了解和预测营养相互作用对社区进程的后果,就需要了解粮食供应的作用,而这往往与猎物的丰富度错误地混为一谈。对于成群捕食的动物,这还没有完全了解。先前的研究表明,捕牡蛎比单羽聚集更容易攻击单壳类,并且在单身捕食中更成功。还已经证明,对一组中的一个帽贝的攻击会警告整个组,然后将它们全部压紧并变得不可用。我证明了欧亚蛎cat(Haematopus ostralegus L.)仅攻击一组贝类,然后继续攻击另一只贝类,并且我还证明了它们移动的距离大于已知贝类组的距离。检测攻击。因此,在多岩石的海岸上的捕牡蛎-捕食者-捕食者-被捕食者系统中,与动物中的(例如)帽贝数量无关,帽贝实际上是一个猎物。这对评估多岩石海岸鸟类捕食者的食物供应有影响,对我们对先前记载的营养级联的理解有影响。



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