首页> 外文期刊>Ecology, Environment and Conservation >Temporal and spatial evaluation of evapotranspiration methods for estimating potential evapotranspiration in Arid and Semiarid regions

Temporal and spatial evaluation of evapotranspiration methods for estimating potential evapotranspiration in Arid and Semiarid regions


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Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is an important index of hydrologic budgets at different spatial scales and is a critical variable for understanding regional biological processes. In this research, four PET calculating methods were evaluated usingdata from nineteen meteorological stations in Fars Province in Iran. The evaluated methods include as: original Hargreaves method (OH), a new method based on monthly temperature and rainfall (MH), the original Thornthwaite method (OT) and modified Thornthwaite method (MT). The main objective of this study is to evaluate estimated PET by these methods against the estimated corresponding values using the standardized FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (PM) method. The monthly PET values have teen calculated by abovementioned methods, then were compared with FAO-56 PM. Spatial distribution maps of the best method were prepared based on monthly calculated PET values in PM method and by using the geographical coordinate of the stations in monthly and yearly scales. Inorder to finding the appropriate methods in different months or season of the year, temporal analysis were done and the results show that, the OH method in the Winter and Spring Seasons, by contrast the MH method for the warm months and MT method in some months of the year, such as October to February were appropriate. The OT was weakest method for Fars Province. Also in determine the best method in yearly scale inside Fars Province; the results showed the OH method for arid climate and MH method for semi-arid were appropriate.
机译:潜在蒸散量(PET)是不同空间尺度上水文预算的重要指标,并且是理解区域生物过程的关键变量。在这项研究中,使用来自伊朗法尔斯省的19个气象站的数据评估了四种PET计算方法。评估的方法包括:原始的Hargreaves方法(OH),基于月度温度和降雨量的新方法(MH),原始的Thornthwaite方法(OT)和改进的Thornthwaite方法(MT)。这项研究的主要目的是使用标准化的FAO-56 Penman-Monteith(PM)方法,通过这些方法将估计的PET与估计的对应值进行比较。通过上述方法计算出每月PET值的青少年值,然后将其与FAO-56 PM进行比较。最佳方法的空间分布图是根据PM方法中每月计算的PET值并使用月度和年度比例的站点地理坐标来准备的。为了在一年的不同月份或季节中找到合适的方法,进行了时间分析,结果表明,冬季和春季的OH方法与温暖月份的MH方法和某些月份的MT方法形成对比。每年的10月至2月为宜。 OT是Fars Province最弱的方法。同时确定法尔斯省内年度规模的最佳方法;结果表明,干旱气候宜采用OH法,半干旱宜采用MH法。



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