首页> 外文期刊>Ecology of Freshwater Fish >Homing behavior of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) withinan off-channel habitat

Homing behavior of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) withinan off-channel habitat

机译:外海栖息地中的幼鲑(Oncorhynchus kisutch)的归巢行为

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Although homing behavior has been observed in juvenile Atlantic salmon, brown trout and resident cutthroat trout, this behavior has not been well studied in juvenile Pacific salmon. We examined the site fidelity and homing behavior of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) by marking and relocating them within an off-channel habitat. Over 80% of displaced fish returned to the area from which they were originally collected. The proportion of fish that returned to the original location did not vary significantly among three sampling dates. However, we found that this proportion decreased over time in a brackish lagoon when we statistically analyzed the data reported by Day (1966). Our results suggest that juvenile coho salmon exhibit strong site fidelity and are able to return to their home ranges after displacement. These behaviors are likely to be important for the winter survival of juvenile coho salmon.
机译:尽管已在大西洋大西洋鲑幼鱼,褐鳟和常住凶猛的鳟鱼中发现了归巢行为,但在太平洋太平洋幼鲑中尚未对此行为进行很好的研究。我们通过标记幼仔鲑并将其重新安置在海外栖息地中,研究了它们的位置保真度和归巢行为(Oncorhynchus kisutch)。超过80%的流离失所鱼返回了最初收集它们的地区。在三个采样日期之间,返回原始位置的鱼的比例变化不大。但是,当我们对Day(1966)报告的数据进行统计分析时,发现在咸咸水泻湖中该比例随时间下降。我们的结果表明,幼年银大麻哈鱼表现出较强的保真度,并且能够在流离失所后返回其家域。这些行为可能对少年银大麻哈鱼的冬季存活很重要。



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