首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Evaluation of Surface Water Pollution with Atrazine, an Endocrine Disruptor Chemical, in Agricultural Areas of Turopolje, Croatia

Evaluation of Surface Water Pollution with Atrazine, an Endocrine Disruptor Chemical, in Agricultural Areas of Turopolje, Croatia


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Com (Zea mays) is the leading culture according to sown area in Croatia, s-Triazines, and atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethyIamino-6-isopropylamino-l,3,5-triazine) in particular, are most widely used in weed control of corn crops, In Croatia, products of atrazine are used in formulations of pure atrazine or in ready mix combination with other herbicides applied in pre-emergence or post-emergence (Maceljski et al. 2005). Due to its chemical properties, atrazine is characterized by high water mobility and environmental persistence (Kramer et al. 2001). Because of these atrazine properties and its longlasttng use as a plant-protecting agent in Croatia, residues of mis contaminant have been identified in the samples of surface, ground, and drinking waters (Vidacek et al. 1995; Gojmerac et al. 1996). The possible intake of atrazine residues and its dealkylated biodegradation products (de-ethyl atrazine) with drinking water poses a health risk for humans, since the results of previous studies point to the toxic effect of atrazine residues on the reproductive system (Cooper et al. 2000; Gojmerac et al. 2004).
机译:Com(Zea mays)是按克罗地亚播种面积计的主导文化,s-Triazines,尤其是阿特拉津(尤其是2-chloro-4-ethyIamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine)在控制玉米作物的杂草中,在克罗地亚,阿特拉津的产品被用于纯阿特拉津的制剂中,或与其他在出苗前或出苗后施用的除草剂混合使用(Maceljski等人,2005年)。由于其化学性质,at去津的特点是高水迁移率和环境持久性(Kramer等人,2001)。由于阿特拉津的这些特性及其在克罗地亚的长期用作植物保护剂,在地表水,地下水和饮用水的样品中发现了错误的污染物残留(Vidacek等,1995; Gojmerac等,1996)。饮用水中可能摄入point去津残留物及其脱烷基的生物降解产物(去乙基去氧at去津)对人类构成健康风险,因为先前的研究结果表明at去津残留物对生殖系统具有毒性作用(Cooper等。 2000; Gojmerac et al。2004)。



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