首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin du Cancer: Journal de l'Association Francaise pour l'Etude du Cancer >First year results of 'APAAC Infos Services' [Bilan de la première année d'activité de APAAC Infos Services]

First year results of 'APAAC Infos Services' [Bilan de la première année d'activité de APAAC Infos Services]

机译:“ APAAC信息服务”的第一年结果[APAAC信息服务的第一年活动回顾]

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Context. In Ivory Coast, the APAAC association "Let us help persons living with cancer or affected by cancer", in French "Aidons les Personnes Atteintes ou Affectées par le Cancer" (APAAC), set up the first ivorian call center to support persons living with or affected by cancer and to inform population about cancer. Purposes of the study. To show the feasibility of such a service in a developing country and to present the first results. Methodology. This helpline is, since January 28th, 2010, directly accessible to the population by a fixed phone number. The population can, with a local cost call, contact a specialists team (psychologist, adviser in help relation or doctor), in total confidentiality, every Thursday from 3 pm till 5 pm. OutsideThursdays, informations about cancer are available on vocal server 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Callers are welcomed by a message inviting them either to listen to a recorded message about cancer or about APAAC association or finally to speak to a specialist online. Retrospective study based on the statistics of the call center. Because of a problem arisen on the statistics software, our results carry only over the period from August to December, 2010. Results.We had, during this period, 462 calls among which 23 in August, 58 in September, 67 in October, 230 in November and 84 in December. Reasons of the increasing of the figures are justify by the poster campaign in September and the communication around the service on television program in November. On these 462 calls, we had 35 real communications among whom 10 calls interrupted. The reason was the lack of call credit. The average of the call time was of 20 minutes for the conversations with the specialists. Three hundred and forty-three persons stopped to the welcome message, 341 (9%) listen information on the cancer, 27 (6%) listen information about the association. Sixteen persons wished to speak to specialists but were not regrettably able to make it because having called up except the hours of presence. Three hundred and fifty-five calls took place the working days. The most sought time slots were the ones of 7 am to 6 pm. Conclusion. Those results raises questions about the necessity to create and to continue this kind of telephone counseling for cancer, but also on the need of communication and extension of listening days and hours. In our country context with a population with weak resources, the necessity of access to free call was also raised.
机译:上下文。在象牙海岸,APAAC协会“让我们帮助患有癌症或受癌症影响的人”,在法国的“ Aidons les Personnes Atteintes ouAffectéespar le Cancer”(APAAC)中,成立了第一个象牙呼叫中心,以支持与或受癌症影响,并向人群介绍癌症。研究目的。展示这种服务在发展中国家的可行性,并展示第一个结果。方法。自2010年1月28日起,该热线可通过固定电话直接向民众开放。市民可以在每周四下午3点至下午5点之间以完全保密的方式致电当地专家,与专家团队(心理学家,帮助关系顾问或医生)联系。星期四以外,每周7天,每天24小时在人声服务器上提供有关癌症的信息。呼叫者会受到一条欢迎消息的邀请,邀请他们收听有关癌症或APAAC协会的录音消息,或者最后与在线专家交谈。根据呼叫中心的统计数据进行回顾性研究。由于统计软件出现问题,我们的结果仅在2010年8月至2010年12月这一期间进行。结果。在此期间,我们进行了462个呼叫,其中8月23个,9月58个,10月67个,230个11月和12月的84。 9月的海报运动和11月电视节目服务方面的交流证明了数字增加的原因。在这462个呼叫中,我们进行了35次实际通信,其中10个呼叫中断。原因是缺少通话信用。与专家的通话平均通话时间为20分钟。 343人停下来欢迎消息,其中341(9%)听有关癌症的信息,27(6%)听有关协会的信息。 16个人希望与专家交谈,但由于在场时间之外一直在打电话,因此遗憾地未能做到这一点。工作日进行了355次呼叫。最受欢迎的时间段是上午7点至下午6点。结论。这些结果引起了关于是否需要创建和继续这种针对癌症的电话咨询的疑问,以及是否需要沟通以及延长听音时间和时间的疑问。在我国人口稀少的情况下,也提出了免费通话的必要性。



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