首页> 外文期刊>Invertebrate biology >Commensalism used by freshwater crayfish species to survive drying in seasonal habitats

Commensalism used by freshwater crayfish species to survive drying in seasonal habitats


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Gramastacus insolitus is a very small non-burrowing Australian freshwater crayfishwith a restricted distribution, occurring almost exclusively in seasonal habitats throughout itsrange. It is listed as a threatened species but its strategy for surviving dry periods was unknown.Eight seasonal surveys of crayfish distribution showed that members of G. insolitus were neverfound at sites that were outside the distribution of two larger burrowing freshwater crayfishspecies, Geocharax falcata and Cherax destructor. Excavation of 80 burrows of members ofG. falcata and C. destructor in three different seasonal habitats in the Grampians NationalPark, Victoria, Australia, revealed that individuals of G. insolitus found refuge from drying byestivating in cracks and shallow depressions at the side of the main burrow tunnels constructedby larger species. Members of G. insolitus were not found estivating at the surface, such as underfallen wood, nor was it usually found in crayfish burrows unoccupied by the host crayfish. Thisstudy indicates that members of G. insolitus are commensal upon larger crayfish species, usingtheir burrows to survive the seasonal drying of their habitat. Conservation strategies forpopulations of G. insolitus will need to consider co-existing species of burrowing crayfish.
机译:南美大螯虾是一种非常小型的非穴居澳大利亚淡水小龙虾,分布有限,几乎仅在其整个范围内的季节性栖息地中发生。它被列为濒危物种,但其在干旱时期的生存策略尚不明确。小龙虾分布的八个季节性调查显示,在两个较大的洞穴淡水小龙虾物种Geocharax falcata和Cherax分布的地方从未发现过G. insolitus成员。析构函数。挖掘G成员的80个洞穴。在澳大利亚维多利亚州格兰屏国家公园的三个不同的季节性栖息地中,falcata和C. destructor发现,Insolitus个体通过在较大物种建造的主要洞穴隧道一侧的裂缝和浅洼处进行诱变而发现避难所。没发现在地面上诱食的G. insolitus成员,例如倒下的木材,也通常不在宿主小龙虾所占据的小龙虾洞穴中发现。这项研究表明,in.solitus的成员在较大的小龙虾种类上是很称赞的,利用它们的洞穴可以生存在其栖息地的季节性干燥中。 G. insolitus种群的保护策略将需要考虑洞穴小龙虾共存的物种。



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