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Linking a population model with an ecosystem model: Assessing the impact of land use and climate change on savanna shrub cover dynamics


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In semiarid savannas of Southern Africa current land use practices and climate change may lead to substantial changes of vegetation structure in the near future, however uncertainty remains about the potential consequences and the magnitude of change. In this paper we study the impact of climate change, cattle grazing, and wood cutting on shrub cover dynamics in savannas of the southern Kalahari. We use an established savanna ecosystem model to simulate landscape dynamics in terms of rainfall, fire and distribution of the dominant tree Acacia erioloba. We then incorporate these data into a spatial population model of the common, fleshy-fruited shrub Grewia flava and investigate shrub cover dynamics for a period of 100 years. Depending on the intensity of commercial wood cutting practices tree removal of A. erioloba led to a strong decline of the G. flava population, as shrub recruitment is concentrated in tree sub-canopies due to bird-mediated seed dispersal. Under climate change shrub cover slightly decreased with decreasing precipitation and was unchanged with increase in precipitation variability. Contrarily, grazing by cattle strongly increased shrub cover and facilitated shrub encroachment because of cattle-induced distribution of G. flava seeds into the matrix vegetation. Knowledge of the latter process is particularly important because shrub invasion is a major concern for conservation and savanna rangeland management as a result of its adverse effects on livestock carrying capacity and biodiversity.
机译:在南部非洲的半干旱热带稀树草原,当前的土地利用做法和气候变化可能会在不久的将来导致植被结构发生重大变化,但是潜在后果和变化幅度仍存在不确定性。在本文中,我们研究了气候变化,放牧和砍伐木材对卡拉哈里南部稀树草原灌木覆盖动态的影响。我们使用已建立的稀树草原生态系统模型来模拟景观动态,包括降雨,着火和优势树相思树的分布。然后,我们将这些数据合并到常见的果肉灌木Grewia flava的空间种群模型中,并调查了100年的灌木覆盖动态。取决于商业砍伐木材的强度,由于鸟类介导的种子扩散,灌木的募集集中在树木的子冠层中,因此,去除沙枣木会导致黄萎病菌种群的大量减少。在气候变化下,灌木覆盖率随降水减少而略有减少,而随着降水变化性的增加而保持不变。相反,牛的放牧极大地增加了灌木的覆盖率,并促进了灌木的侵占,因为牛引起了G. flava种子进入基质植被的分布。对后一种过程的了解尤其重要,因为灌木入侵是保护和稀树草原牧场管理的一个主要问题,因为它对牲畜的承载能力和生物多样性具有不利影响。



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